I have looked at pictures online and spent a lot of time reading up, but I cannot ascertain what is going on with my swordtail. I suspected fin/tail rot at first but do not think that is what it is now because he has white spots around his head and sides now. Fungus? He lost part if his swordtail and fins. I have treated my whole tank with Bactershield for the recommended amount of time, yet he seems to look worse. He does not act any different and swims around as he normally has since before his fine started deteriorating. What do I do? I am considering running to Walmart (ugh. Only thing open now) and buying a small tank to use as a hospital tank. But, what do I use to treat him. He has been getting worse for about 2 weeks now. Thankfully none of the other fish have any spots or are acting sick. Hoping someone can help me ASAP.
My water tests all within normal parameters. The temp holds at 78. I have a 39 gal tank with 4 albino Corys, 1 blue dwarf gourami, 1 half moon beta, 3 hi fins, 1 silver Molly, 2 gold panda mollies and 2 fancy male guppies. Plus the swordtail. I tried including a picture but they are too large to upload.
My water tests all within normal parameters. The temp holds at 78. I have a 39 gal tank with 4 albino Corys, 1 blue dwarf gourami, 1 half moon beta, 3 hi fins, 1 silver Molly, 2 gold panda mollies and 2 fancy male guppies. Plus the swordtail. I tried including a picture but they are too large to upload.