911 - Dojo Finrot...?


Fish Crazy
Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Okay y'all I am freaking out. A few days ago I posted some pics of one of my Dojo's tail. It was super red and had a little bump on it. The tail looks much better now, however at the very end of her tail at the top it looks a little frayed. She is still eating and she's moving around but at a much slower pace .
I started to do the weekly 25% wc and saw this weird color on a couple of the decors so I pulled them. Also, I went to grab one of my buckets and there is a rusty color of something and it looks like it's eating thru it. I don't have a clue what it is.

I've got 3 platys that's been in my 5gal quarantine tank for about a week. They seem to be fine. I'm thinking I need to swap their tank with the Dojo.
This is all within the last 30 minutes or so and I am at a loss and losing mind! ????

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have attached some pics. I'll try to get a better one of her tail later. I gotta finish this wc.

Edit.. here is a better picture of her tail.:blush::blush::blink:
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Okay y'all I am freaking out. A few days ago I posted some pics of one of my Dojo's tail. It was super red and had a little bump on it. The tail looks much better now, however at the very end of her tail at the top it looks a little frayed. She is still eating and she's moving around but at a much slower pace .
I started to do the weekly 25% wc and saw this weird color on a couple of the decors so I pulled them. Also, I went to grab one of my buckets and there is a rusty color of something and it looks like it's eating thru it. I don't have a clue what it is.

I've got 3 platys that's been in my 5gal quarantine tank for about a week. They seem to be fine. I'm thinking I need to swap their tank with the Dojo.
This is all within the last 30 minutes or so and I am at a loss and losing mind! ????

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have attached some pics. I'll try to get a better one of her tail later. I gotta finish this wc.

Edit.. here is a better picture of her tail.:blush::blush::blink:
not sure since the photo is blurry but i think she has fin rot :(
the brown spots are probably just diatoms and you can scrub them off easily

what is the bowl thing in the first picture?
not sure since the photo is blurry but i think she has fin rot :(
the brown spots are probably just diatoms and you can scrub them off easily

what is the bowl thing in the first picture?
It's just a bowl that I use (for fish only) if I need to put something in it during maintenance. It was in one of my big buckets. So is it okay to still use them? Also, should I go ahead and put her in the 5gal and put the platys in the 75gal? They have only been quarantined for a week.
I have a few better pics attached below.
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Never mind y'all. A friend of mine has a hospital tank so he took her and is gonna give her the care she needs.
What are diatoms?
the brown stuff on your decorations. it is also called brown algae, and it appears usually in newly set up tanks but not always

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