90 gallon


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2005
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My 90 gallon tetra tank.


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Why tetras when you have 90 gallons? you should get some bichirs to rid you of that nasty tetra infestation
I think 'cool' is a matter of opinion ^___^ My lfs has a 120 gallon or so with 70 rummynose tetra's, and I think it's much more beautiful and entertaining to watch then their other large tanks!

Beautiful tank, and I like the tetras! :nod:
personally i LOVE large tanks with huge schools of smaller fish - that's what nature is all about...not bashing the large fish-keeprs out there or anything, but nothing seems more unnatural to me than a large oscar, pacu, whatever in a large tank all by itself
Though I can never say 'no' to a nice pleco in a big tank, even if it's a tank with a school... 'cause they're just so darn cute ^__^
Why spend bucks for big fish that don't move.
They seldom move until feeding time.
Just get some photos and don't buy an aquarium.
I have 80 fish in my 90 gallon.
A school of 20 harlequen rasboras swimming in unison is awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My lemon teras with big red eyes and there body shape looks like a mini tuna fish.
My red serpae tetras dance and display early and late each day.
At night my bronze cory cats come out from there hiding place and work the sand over for food.
Tetras RULE !!!!!!
I must admit, I applaud your use of a 90 gallon for tetras. About as close as you can come to giving them more than enough room to thrive.
thats a real nice tank you got there, i might hire you to set me one up that looks like that :p

and a nice choice of whats in there as well
Altough I don't know much you value my opinion I think that rocks would look great and break up the wood in there.
BTW I don't have anything against tetras just more of African Cichlid fan thats all. :D
Looks great.
You have no idea how close I came to doing that very same thing in my 125. I almost went for like 50 neons to see what would happen :D

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