90 gallon wut to do?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
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candada B.C
hey guys my mom wants to set up her 90 gallon she knows nothing about fish so i will be doing most of it :flex: any ways i dont know uwts realy out there my mom is looking for a very active tank. she wants somthing going on at all times. she likes ciclids(spelling?) and red tail sharks and funky fish like err thoughs realy black eel looking ones that look like ribbin? lol i probly sound realy dumb there but i dont know the name of it. well any ideas?
well with a 90 gallon setup you can have a very nice active african cichlid comm tank, since your mom wants more action i think africans are more colorful and swim more. south americans are more docile and more an interpersonal kind of species. the black ribbon like fish ur talkin about might be the black ghost knife theyre cool but not a good fish to put with a cichlid community.
we were looking though some fish sites and she likes the blood parrot ciclid and the red tail shark. wut info dose any one have on the parrot fish? i love the african ciclids alot but she dosnt want just one typ of fish in the tank she wants a more comunity tank sorta thing but with difrent fish like puffers(i talked her outta that one) silver dollars,angels,ciclids, lol she wants the best of both worlds. i got her a betta tank today so she can practice on water changes testing the water ect. i know its realy easy to care for bettas but its a good starter fish for her. she didnt like guppies or mollis or moons lol. she liked goldfish but im realy exsperianced with goldies and there not a beginner fish. they have alot of myths to them.
you talked her OUT of puffer! WHY??? New world cichilids vary greatly in the way they look were as african rift cichilids are very closely related. If you want and active community go With Danios a school of 20 or so danios would be very interesting and active during day time and then you could have a black ghost knife to come out at night (althought a BGK may munch on a danio every now and then danios are very cheap). Cory cats are also very active fish who do well in a comunity set up. Oh and Rainbow fish are a good choice too as they get to be very colorful with age. If you wanted you could just go with two Fahakas they are Active and attractive pufferish. The big problem that you will have is that bigger fish will be less active than smaller fish and smaller fish might not hold interest for some people.

and please Say What instead of Wut AOLer lingo is makeing it alot harder to get around the web.
wow..if i were u..omg..(faints)

well this might be cool...active and cool fish

LARGE group of tiger barbs

LARGE group of danios

1 red tail shark

maybe some rams?

some cory cats, they will be very active in a large group :D

opcn said:
(althought a BGK may munch on a danio every now and then danios are very cheap).
:( :-( :-(
Thats so sad :-(

now for the rest :(

I agree with opcn
A big group af danios will look fantastic and so much activity 8)
checkout my website for different danio types :)
i talked her out of puffers because she wanted other fish with them. and as iv been reading here you shouldnt realy put puffers in a tank with other fish besides some bottem dwellers. she wanted to chance it like one of the other posters i read.lol so i showed her the post and she was ":unsure: hmm there realy agenst it huh." lol im trying to convince her she cant just plop fish in a tank ans say ohh look at the pretty fish. she thinks them more as a orniment then a living thing, :dunno: some ppl eh? im just glad im still at home and she didnt just go out and buy some fish. im shure she would have. she is into the betta tank and reading up on tropicals. its between the blood parot fish and the black goast knife fish(lol i looked it up a min agao.)
You need to read up on Blood parrot fish. -_- They are hybrid fish usually a mix of two different cichlids and because of this they are not very healthy.They suffer swim bladder problems and die for no reason ( take it from someone who knows) You have also got be very careful you do not buy dyed fish as it is cruel and will be detrimental to the health of the fish. Blood parrots should only be in shades of red and kept in groups. Note these fish will dig up your gravel and pull up plants I wouldn't recommend them for a novice. sorry -_-
If you want active fish i would try a shoal of rainbow fish (they look dull inshops but have amazing colours when adult and well looked after) but you could also have some more peaceful cichlids with them like kribs and keyholes. Tell your mum to really think about what she wants from her fish before she buys anything you don't want to make too many mistakes! Good luck :D
A tank full of Mbuna would be very active and colourful :thumbs: . Check out the cichlid section with the pinned topic by cichlidaddict.....just another idea!
wow..if i were u..omg..(faints)

well this might be cool...active and cool fish

LARGE group of tiger barbs

LARGE group of danios

1 red tail shark

maybe some rams?

some cory cats, they will be very active in a large group

Man thats what I would do... (except for the danios :sick:) 8)

Daveo :flex:
yeah, Tiger barbs are a great schoaling fish. In a tank that size get a large group of them, and you'll be kept entertained for hours and hours!!!

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