Fish Herder
A few years ago a friend gave me a 90 gallon tank that he had but it sprung a leak, a little section on the bottom seal is were it was leaking. About a year later I decided to try and reseal it. I found a how to article online and started taking the seal off on the inside of the tank. Once I got all the seal off and cleaned it up I did the four corners and the bottom. I then put a new bead of sealant following the instruction. I filled it with water in my garage and let it set a week to see what it would do. The night before I was going to bring it in it started to leak from the bottom again not much but still a leak. I drained it and let it set tell now. Now I would like to bring it in the basement and try again. My question is should I try the same method again or should I break all the seals and take the glass apart and rebuild the whole thing. Either method I would appreciate some links on how to do either method. I just hate to see a tank of that size go to waste just because of a small leak. Thanks in advance for any replies.