90 gallon filtration


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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I'm getting a 90 gallon tank pretty soon and i'm planning to have it sand bottom and planted... i have no idea what kind of filtration I should get, does anyone have any suggestions????
For a tank that size, I would recommend an external cannister filter. As far as brand is concerned, you can't beat Eheims, but they are slightly more expensive (in general) than the others, but you pay for the quality!!
Is this going to have a high light + CO2 injection? If so, you are pretty much forced to have canister filter. As mentioned, Eheim are great, but others like Rena Filstar XP3 would work as well. Depending on your stock level, you may need to provide another filter in addition to your main canister filter.

I'd choose either Eheim 2217 or Filstar XP3. (Filstar is slightly cheaper)
Sorry I'll be more clear... :lol:

Is this tank going to be a heavily planted tank with plants that require alot of light? Usually, 3w/g or more is considered high-light setup. In this type of condition, you need to add extra CO2 into the water to promote plant growth, one way to do this is to build your own device out of 2L coke bottle, sugar and yeast.

So at the end, it all depends on the type of plants you want to keep. Do you have any specific ones in mind?
yes I will have high light, and right now i'm not sure what kind of plants i'm going to get...if you have any more info on co2 injection or a website or something that would be great
I have a XP3 and Eheim 2028 - I must say the Eheim is the better pump. However the xp3 is still a great pump - I have no problems with either both have been running for a year now. The eheim has a very high build quality and I fine I get less air locks with Eheim then the XP3 don't know why that is the case

If you are looking to grow a lot of plants - don't make the same mistake i did

ensure you mis in a very very very large amount of laterite or some other iron rich material

I only used a small amount in a layer just above my heating cable. It seems to have only lasted 12 months - I am now looking to change the my gravel and replace it with a mixture of Flourite and gravel

cya Jason

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