Fish Gatherer
My 29 gallon tank is going through a major crisis with an unknown cause! During the past 9 days I have lost: 5 black mollies, 2 male guppies, 1 male swordtail and 1 balloon molly. I have no clue to what's causing their deaths. They seemed fine one day and the next day they were dead. My tank looks so empty!
The 29 gallon tank has been running for more than a year with an Aquacler 200. The heater is set at 78 degrees. I clean the filter once a week with the tank water and do a 20% water change. I add aquarium salt and water conditioner into the new water.
Ammonia is at 0
Nitrite is 0
pH is 7.0
Nitrate is 12.5 (I just started doing a few water changes to bring them down a little)
I asked in Petco to see if they can give me any suggestions, but they just said they have no idea what going on because they never heard of this probelm. Any advive?
I also posted another post under "fish emergencies", but I need to see if anyone has any livebearer knowledge to help me.
The 29 gallon tank has been running for more than a year with an Aquacler 200. The heater is set at 78 degrees. I clean the filter once a week with the tank water and do a 20% water change. I add aquarium salt and water conditioner into the new water.
Ammonia is at 0
Nitrite is 0
pH is 7.0
Nitrate is 12.5 (I just started doing a few water changes to bring them down a little)
I asked in Petco to see if they can give me any suggestions, but they just said they have no idea what going on because they never heard of this probelm. Any advive?
I also posted another post under "fish emergencies", but I need to see if anyone has any livebearer knowledge to help me.