8 Pandas A Possibility?


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
The bottom of my Rio 180 is as follows.

L-205 (4 inch)
garra (3 inch)
2 small bristle noses (taking one out in the furure though)
6 bronze corys
hoplo (megalechis thoracata)

Just wondering if I lose one of the BN's could I drop in another plec of some form and 8 pandas?? My tank has a lot of bogwood and hiding places for the little critters and the plecs.
Hi ghent_3rd :)

I would advise against adding C. pandas to a tank with much larger fish. They tend to be shy and get stressed and ill easily. Pandas are fussy about the water quality and I would be concerned about the large amount of waste produced by any kind of plecos.

They are fine little fish, but they are just a little too delicate for your community.
I unfortunately have to agree inchworm. :( :(

I have been to my LFS today and discussedwith the guy there and we have decided that I am going to go for Adolfos instead!!! :) :p :)

He is going to order me 8 for very reasonable £25-£30. I know they come out of very soft, acidic water but he is going to keep them in the store for between 2-4 weeks to acclimatise them to pH 7.Then fingers crossed they should be OK.

Once they are in and sorted I am going to add another plec, possibly something like a clown plec, but that won't be until I know everything is fine and dandy, possibly 4 months away.
I unfortunately have to agree inchworm. :( :(

I have been to my LFS today and discussedwith the guy there and we have decided that I am going to go for Adolfos instead!!! :) :p :)

He is going to order me 8 for very reasonable ?25-?30. I know they come out of very soft, acidic water but he is going to keep them in the store for between 2-4 weeks to acclimatise them to pH 7.Then fingers crossed they should be OK.

Once they are in and sorted I am going to add another plec, possibly something like a clown plec, but that won't be until I know everything is fine and dandy, possibly 4 months away.

in a 180l I wouldnt have and quarms about that stocking...

If you have good filtration (eg added an external to complement the standard jewel internal) then another few plecs (not massive ones) wont cause a problem...

we have the trigon 350 with a fluval 404 on it... Our stocking levels are 'high' and have no problems. There just happens to be 5 pandas and 4 adolfis in there too :)

as long as the pandas are mature they tend to be hardier - Fry and small ones are indeed very sensative :(

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