8 Gallon Nano


Aug 6, 2009
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I picked up a 8 gallon nano for a fiver and was going to use it as a fry tank for my Mbuna.....i sold my Mbunas on now and its sat doing nothing.

What could i keep in it?

How much live rock?

It already has Aragonite and i already have other Marine equipment from my old 30 gallon nano (power head,hydrometer etc)

I was thinking keeping a Percula Clown (as my lfs is selling them for £5) and a cleaner shrimp......would this be ok?

Open to suggestions...
Nah no typo...Clowns (percs and false) are as common as Convict cichlids...there is no value in them.
I have lots....the one I'm talking about is Watermarque.

Thats not sad anyway! the more commercially bred fish...the less are taken from the reef and the cheaper they become to the consumer!

Would you rather pay £20 for a Perc or £5-8 (usual prices nowadays)

In fact false Percs seem to fetch more right now as they are less common around here.....when i had my last 30 gallon Nano a few years ago I paid £20 each for my 2 Percs.
well, yes it is good! :)
When i was thinking about starting a reef, the false percs i looked at were £24 each :S

EDIT: hold up, the fish that are a fiver, are they true percs?
Yep more burnt orange with darker banding....false percs are more yellowy orange with thinner black bars and tend to be more docile...it quite a obvious difference if you know what you want :p

I'm not doing one anymore...the tank would be to high matience...i gave it to my mother for her to overstock with platys lol!

My old nano was a 30g ...i had 2 Percs, Strawberry Dotty Back, Clarkii Clown, Azure Damzel, Humbug Damzel and a Cleaner Shrimp...worked out great just teh upkeep was costing to much so i went back to keeping Cichlids.

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