Fish Addict
After a couple years of daydreaming about planting my big tank the time is almost here. I have my equipment all squared away and ready to go and the plants should be here this week so I figured it would be a good time to start a journal.
Tank: 75 US gallons, 4 feet long
Lighting: Current 2x54 watt T-5 HO, timed for 10 hours on
Filtration: Fluval 305
CO2: 20 pound cylinder, Azoo regulator with solenoid and needle valve built in on the same timer as the lights, bubble counter, ceramic diffuser, drop checker,
Substrate: AquariumPlants.com's own, 9 gallons of it as it's sold by gallon in buckets and not by pound
Livestock: None as of yet but planned stocking will be all South American, I have a group of 9 Neon Tetras that will move over, planning on 15-20 rummy nosed tetras, 8-10 common hatchet fish, either Bolivian Rams or German Blues are planned
Plants: They're on their way, should be here Wednesday
Heteranthera zosterfolia - Stargrass
Echinorodus bleheri - Amazon sword
Eleocharis parvulus - Dwarf Hairgrass
Limnophila indica
Echinodorus martii - Ruffle Sword
Rotala roundifolia - Rotala Indica
Alternanthera reineckii
Hydrocotyle Leucocephala - Pennywort
Egeria densa
Cabomba pulcherrima - Red Cabomba
Lilaeopsis Mauritiana - Micro Sword
Nymphaea zenkeri - Red Tiger Lotus
I know South American 'biotope' tanks have been done a million times but I absolutely love South American fish, Charchins especially. I may try my hand at Discus eventually in this tank. Eventually I will try and put in only South American plants.
I feel that the Fluval 305 may not provide enough flow so I may invest in a powerhead, time will tell on that one.
Here is a pic of it as it sits now. The glass is dirty as poop and the java ferns will be moving to my 29 gallon tank. I plan on picking up a couple more pieces of driftwood and then playing around to find a pleasing layout.
Tank: 75 US gallons, 4 feet long
Lighting: Current 2x54 watt T-5 HO, timed for 10 hours on
Filtration: Fluval 305
CO2: 20 pound cylinder, Azoo regulator with solenoid and needle valve built in on the same timer as the lights, bubble counter, ceramic diffuser, drop checker,
Substrate: AquariumPlants.com's own, 9 gallons of it as it's sold by gallon in buckets and not by pound
Livestock: None as of yet but planned stocking will be all South American, I have a group of 9 Neon Tetras that will move over, planning on 15-20 rummy nosed tetras, 8-10 common hatchet fish, either Bolivian Rams or German Blues are planned
Plants: They're on their way, should be here Wednesday
Heteranthera zosterfolia - Stargrass
Echinorodus bleheri - Amazon sword
Eleocharis parvulus - Dwarf Hairgrass
Limnophila indica
Echinodorus martii - Ruffle Sword
Rotala roundifolia - Rotala Indica
Alternanthera reineckii
Hydrocotyle Leucocephala - Pennywort
Egeria densa
Cabomba pulcherrima - Red Cabomba
Lilaeopsis Mauritiana - Micro Sword
Nymphaea zenkeri - Red Tiger Lotus
I know South American 'biotope' tanks have been done a million times but I absolutely love South American fish, Charchins especially. I may try my hand at Discus eventually in this tank. Eventually I will try and put in only South American plants.
I feel that the Fluval 305 may not provide enough flow so I may invest in a powerhead, time will tell on that one.
Here is a pic of it as it sits now. The glass is dirty as poop and the java ferns will be moving to my 29 gallon tank. I plan on picking up a couple more pieces of driftwood and then playing around to find a pleasing layout.