75 gallon tank


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
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Hey everyone! I'm new to this forum but not new to fishkeeping! I have a 135 gallon long tank currently stocked with a tiger oscar, Jack dempsey, firemouth And a featherfin catfish! But anyways this tanks been going great and I'm actually picking up a free 75 gallon tank which is awesome!

But anyways what do I stock it with?? I really have no idea lets hear what you all would do with it if you had an empty 75 gallon with a seachem tidal 110 and a sponge filter!

I'm really only set on a huge school or cory cats or red tail botia can't decide yet.

I'm kind of thinking something like this
6 mollies
6 swordtails
15 cory cats or 6 redtail botia
1 albino rainbow shark
1 bristlenose pleco
15 tetra or barb
1 serum or blood parrot or electric blue acara or gourami.
Hey everyone! I'm new to this forum but not new to fishkeeping! I have a 135 gallon long tank currently stocked with a tiger oscar, Jack dempsey, firemouth And a featherfin catfish! But anyways this tanks been going great and I'm actually picking up a free 75 gallon tank which is awesome!

But anyways what do I stock it with?? I really have no idea lets hear what you all would do with it if you had an empty 75 gallon with a seachem tidal 110 and a sponge filter!

I'm really only set on a huge school or cory cats or red tail botia can't decide yet.

I'm kind of thinking something like this
6 mollies
6 swordtails
15 cory cats or 6 redtail botia
1 albino rainbow shark
1 bristlenose pleco
15 tetra or barb
If I had that tank I would probably do:
4 Black Lace Angelfish or 4 Opaline Gourami
12 Skirt Tetra
12 Julli Cory
12 Zebra Danio
1 Bristlenose Pleco
8 Mystery Snails
This is what I keep in my 45 just in smaller numbers
Very nice options never done a community in a tank this size only predators so large scale communities are new to me but I like this idea! Did not realize I could keep 4 gouramis that is awesome! I have never had much luck with angelfish getting big so I'm staying away from them! How about take out the mystery snails and add zebra danios for platies and Molly's? Then add 4 more corys?
Very nice options never done a community in a tank this size only predators so large scale communities are new to me but I like this idea! Did not realize I could keep 4 gouramis that is awesome! I have never had much luck with angelfish getting big so I'm staying away from them! How about take out the mystery snails and add zebra danios for platies and Molly's? Then add 4 more corys?
Yeah that would work real nice.

The Gourami can be territorial but, in my experience, so long as they are added at the same time, they'll get along. I've only had issues when I add a Gourami later on after my other ones have already established themselves.
Awesome!! Could this work out?

3 blue gouramis
6 Molly's
4 swordtails
12 barbs or tetras
1 bristlenose pleco
1 albino rainbow shark
15 corys?
Awesome!! Could this work out?

3 blue gouramis
6 Molly's
4 swordtails
12 barbs or tetras
1 bristlenose pleco
1 albino rainbow shark
15 corys?
That should work, I've kept all expect that shark and they've all got along well. I'm pretty sure the Mollies like a different hardness of water from the rest but they are pretty tough fish. I do prefer Platies over Mollies but that's up to you, they're pretty similar so all that really changes is how the fish look really.
Is there an all black platy? That's the only reason I wanted mollies I love the look of black mollies
To my knowledge, the closest to all black would be a tuxedo or black hamberg platy. They still have some other color tho. If you want that all black colored fish, molly is the way to go then.
Okay sounds good I just want to give them the best life like I try to do with all my pets. Don't want the Molly's to suffer if the tank won't be ideal for them either hopefully they can adjust I'm leaning that way but will see! Thank you!
I think I have finally decided on a final stock list opinions?
12 mollies
8 guppies
16 cardinal tetra
4 dwarf gourami
1 bristlenose pleco
15 cory cats
Cardinal tetra like to hide in the plants. I had a dozen and only saw them for feeding. I then increased the shoal to 30 and they venture out from the plants a lot more.
Here is a photo of 20 cardinals, 2 lemon tetras, 1 and 1/2 farlowellas, and a blurred rainbow tetra. The frame is about 1/4 of my 75 gallon tank.
Water hardness? PH?
The reason ClownLurch asked about the hardness and pH is that your list includes both hard water fish and soft water fish. One group or other will not be happy.

Look on your water provider's website for hardness; or take some tap water to a fish store and ask them to test it for GH (get a number not some vague words).
The ph is 8.1 I do get this is fairly high ph but I have kept lots of south American fish in this water for many years including my cichlids now with no issues. I personally feel like these are mostly tank bred fish which are more adaptable than wild caught fish. Also I feel like clean tank water is more important just personally.
GH is more important than pH.

Your pH suggests hard water. You may find that the soft water fish don't live as long as they should - other memebrs have reported this. Some members found that after changing from hard water to RO water, the soft water fish lived a lot longer.

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