75 Gallon Set-up


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2008
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How would this sound for a 75g set up

1x Oscar

4xSilver Dollars
4xClown Loaches

1xSengal Bichir
**OR** (out of the Bichirs which would u all suggest?)
1xOrnate Bichir
1xSaddeled Bichir
1xDelhezi Bichir

I can and probably up the tank size but how does that sound to u all. Also if u have any suggestions or experiences that would be helpful as well.

Thank you
i think the oscar needs 75 on its ow as a minimum so id say youd be best to up tank size or forget the oscar
the silver dollars need to be kept in a larger group really imo. maybe 6 if you can fit

I have had the silver dollars for about a year in the group they are in now and the tried to breed in my 75 so im pretty set with just keeping 4 of them. If I notice they are getting skittish or stressed I would add more or remove them.

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