75 Gallon Dwarf Caiman Croc Tank!


Fish Crazy
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
He arrived today! got him from a breeder in NJ. He will reside in this 75 until he reaches about 18 inches, which will take about 1.5-2 yrs, then i will have to buy a larger tank..his max size is 4-5 feet, that takes about 4-5 years. Already have plans for his adulthood, dont fret. The water is cloudy because the sand hasnt had a chance to settle yet. Enjoy!





Awesome! :drool:

How big is he now?

You cant handle him can ya?

right now hes only 10 inches long...he snaps if you get near him...not really a good "pet" pet but awesome nonetheless

heres more pics..


It would be cool if you tried to water a little murky.... it would be almost like a naturla habitat... gives him some cover if you put prey on his little island so he can lunge out of the water and attack like he would in the wild :good:
I was gonna say something similar. You should make a slope where he can walk up or sit just under the water, then let his food in the tank and allow the croc to hunt properly.
Holy flurking snit! Very cool, I love herps. Course, all I can handle at the mo is Anoles :blush: . I just curious though, what do you feed him? Pinky mice? Adult mice? Goats when he's an adult? :lol:
right now i feed him bits of grilled chicken, and he will also eat live fish and pinkies but havent tried them yet.
Again very cool, I guess you have to be careful. Don't want food to foul up the water. Grilled chicken's a good idea.

Wow, thats so cool. The markings are brilliant on him. Must be great to watch him. Good luck :good:

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