75 gal stocking!


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Jul 7, 2017
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Hi! It's been a while but I recently did a large cleaning and rebuild of my 75 gallon tank that's been running for over 6 years now. I have not been home often and neglected to clean the tank for some time now. Previously, it housed a 13 inch tire track eel that ended up cleaning the rest of the tank of its fish. I ended up giving him to a local rescue for some zebra and leopard danios (8 total)!

Since I have much more time on my hands and no longer have a giant eel that eats everything except dry foods... I am planning on doing a calmer, schooling/shoaling fish community that will be easier to take care of in the long run.

Now, I haven't kept smaller fish like danios in quite some time, so my knowledge is lack luster and was hoping to have the forum help me come up with some ideas for stocking!
I am really hoping to add some fish that are as exciting and relaxing to watch, such as the danios, and know that they are notorious for just being extra crazy all the time.

My first hopes are to add a schooling type of fish? Ember/cardinal tetras? Not sure how many to start with but I'd love to have some recommendations on where I could start! The danios add a nice touch of top water community but I am hoping to get some mid-water, bottom of the tank fish to fill things out. Maybe some centerpiece pairs?

Any and all recommendations are welcome so I can hopefully have a nice community of fish!

(Also I have 5 baby fancy guppies in a holding tank waiting to get some size before adding back into the tank)
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I have 10 Penguin Tetras, 10 Blue Tetras and 10 Yoyo Loaches in a 75 Gallon

The Tetras generally hang out together… but when startled will swim together tightly from one end to the other.

The Loaches are just crazy but in a fun way. They hang out together, sleep upside down and go crazy when food is present. I also find them doing their own thing.

All in all I have a chill tank and typically no one is bothered.
I have 10 Penguin Tetras, 10 Blue Tetras and 10 Yoyo Loaches in a 75 Gallon

The Tetras generally hang out together… but when startled will swim together tightly from one end to the other.

The Loaches are just crazy but in a fun way. They hang out together, sleep upside down and go crazy when food is present. I also find them doing their own thing.

All in all I have a chill tank and typically no one is bothered.

How is the bioload? I would like to do a lot of smaller fish in quantities such as yours but am also worried about the waste produced, etc. Are you having to clean quite often?
I choose to do a 50% water change every week. I probably don’t need to but it is good practice.

The bioload is extremely low in the tank… these fish don’t produce a lot of waste.

I am light/medium planted with about 40% coverage from floaters.
I choose to do a 50% water change every week. I probably don’t need to but it is good practice.

The bioload is extremely low in the tank… these fish don’t produce a lot of waste.

I am light/medium planted with about 40% coverage from floaters.

Do the tetras enjoy the floating cover/plants? I've heard a lot of people get better activity with just floating clumps of plants especially with danios as well.

Im worried doing 20+ smaller schooling fish they might get bugged by my danios since they are so active.
I don’t have Danios so I am not sure how they will react.

The Tetras are never up in the floaters however my Yoyo Loaches love them
ember tetra don't really school unless frightened - some of the rasbora i have found that school - kubotai rasbora - not a tight school but always active near the top (higher than ember); emerald eye rasbora to my surprise form a fairly tight school (picture is of emerald):
ember tetra don't really school unless frightened - some of the rasbora i have found that school - kubotai rasbora - not a tight school but always active near the top (higher than ember); emerald eye rasbora to my surprise form a fairly tight school (picture is of emerald):
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Love the tank! Looks gorgeous. I always hear different things about the emerald tetras, either some people get them to school really well and some don't. I'm curious if just having a large group of 20 could get them to display some schooling action. Or they'll just end up all over the place when comfortable lol. Either way I think they look great! I'll look into some Rasbora species, never kept before.

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