75 Gal Stocking


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
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I have been thinking about purchasing a 75 gal tank and keeping some larger cichlids in it i have been looking on the internet and have decided on some fish that i would like to keep but am unsure how they would get along or if my tank would be over stocked when the fish reach full growth here is what i would like to keep if possiable.

1 red oscar 1 tiger oscar 1 jack dempsey and maybe 1 blood parrot

i was also thinking about 2 pictus cats to zoom around the bottom

from what i have read all of these fish get fairly big and i dont know if i would have enough water. Any imput on the issue would be great also if these fish wont work out suggestions on other fish similar to these that would work would be great.
not what you want to hear i know but that tank would be way overstocked 75g is considered the bare minimum for just a single oscar
ok thats kinda a bummer but what fish would you recomend for stocking it?
you could have a severum along with a few other fish such as blue acara firemouth etc
i was also thinking about 2 pictus cats to zoom around the bottom

I have pictus cats they're awesome bottom feeders!
how big would the blue acara get? i would be putting the tank in my main room and would want a fish that will impress my guests
For the most part, you can keep a single large CA cichlids, or possibly a breeding pair of CA/SA that don't get as large ( JD/GT/ acara/ severums/ vieja
Or you can get a few of the smaller ones. (jewels, firemouths, convicts)

Of course you will want to look them up individually to check compatibility.
as for the blue acara 8 inches is possible but highly unlikely in aquariums 6 inches is more realistic
just to add my flavour i kept a single O from juvenile to 10 inch in a jewel rio 125 he has not stunted in any way and is very healthy and bright, however i had to run an external filter on that rated for at least 250 he is now in his new home which is a 62 gallon 50 inch tank along with a 1 x juvenile gold severum, 1 x spotted rapheal catfish, 1 x striped raphael catfish, 1x pictus catfish, 2 Freshwater mussels and 1 x Black shark (labeo somthing or other) and a few silver dollars.

Another interesting point maybe on freshwater clams.

Some people say these are hard little fellows to keep alive , however i have had these buddies for a little over 6 month and they have grown. my point is since i put these in they seem to do a very very good job at stabilising my water parameters inperticular making my water soft and slightly acidic and keeping it there which my fish seem to prefer. are these little buddies really that good at filtering my water?

(maybe this will be moved) A question from me is when and if these mussles breed in true bivavle fassion will or does it harm my fish in any way? From the internet i get yeses and no's as you do

my two penneth lol

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