75 Gal Oscar Tank


New Member
Jan 14, 2008
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I was thinking about a 75 gal with one Astronotus ocellatus and a Hypostomus punctatus in a 75 gal all filtered by a Filstar Xp2 Or Xp3 What do you think?
I would suggest a bigger thank to tell the truth...I've seen the size of a full grown oscar before, and quite frankly - I wouldn't keep one in anything less than 100gals.

I'd also go for the most filtration possible, as oscars and plecs are both extremely messy fish.
75 is often recommended as the minimum for 1 oscar, so it would be pushing it adding another large growing, high waste producing fish. Maybe a smaller type of plec would work better.
Both snooks and shroob nailed it. 75 is minimum but a 100 or a 125 would be better and allow for tankmates. a 75 would work but you want to have more filtration than you really think you need... possibly upwards of 7x to 8x turnover for the filter to handle the waste :good:

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