Well Ive had some big batches off my BNs before but this is the biggest.
I counted 75 that I could see
and I'm sure a few more were hiding.
Has anyone else had batches this big? I often get 30- 40 but never that many.
this is totally of topic but its nice to see someone from another country paying their respects to steve irwin. i live only a small drive from his home and the zoo and felt his death in many ways...nice to see he has worldwide support
lol tis something i havent thought about for a while but seeing your signature made me think of him again...i struggled with his death and being that i live in his home area it was hard for a long time to forget cause everywhere you go there is something about him or terri or bindi...i just feel like saying thank you for your little sign of rememberance
p.s. thats a bumper batch of bn's!!!
The loss of Steve Irwin was very tragic for the whole planet
He did so much and cared so much. As a lover of wildlife and conservation his efforts always caught my attention. But his biggest gift was the ability to lift a persons spirits just by watching him. I went through a very sad and difficult time in my life some years back, and stupid as it sounds watching his programmes helped me to get things into context, appreciate life/the planet and move on with my life. Ive heard this said about Steve so many times
I guess my biggest worry was that he and his efforts would quickly be forgotten, and the funds they used for all their projects would dry up. That would be even more of a tragedy than his death
But it seems that they are finding new ways to promote him and his efforts. Instead of the croc hunter, I would like to see more of the diary programmes that they have put out over the years. Lets see the Zoo he and his family built continue to flourish in these types of programmes. Its also a joy to see his children grow as they look so much like him. I'm sure Bindi wont allow him to be forgotten and will in time become the worldwide loved sucess that her dad was
Bns are doing great. Second batch was about 50..lol and hes just sitting another batch
Thiis one looks huge!..lol Hes off into retirement after this one as hes wearing himself out!..lol I'm hoping My gold albino male thats next in the tank will do aswell