7+ gupps+mollies too much for a 10 or 20 Gal


New Member
Apr 2, 2003
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I have a Question, I think I have a 10 gallon, but it might be a 20. I'm not sure. I have 2 of them the same size. In one tank are about 11 baby gupps. no problem there, but in the other one I have 1 male molly, 1 female molly, I know I should have more females, but I'm not planning on keepning mollies for the long run. I have about 4 baby mollies, 2 teen guppies (about this big (_______) I also have 1 Beautiful male and 2 Awesome Female Guppies. Is this too many fish for my tank? If so can I still keep happy healthy gupps in this tank? Does it mean more Water changes or does it mean, I need more Tanks? I am really poor, And I can't afford another tank right now. I'm hoping to get one for my b-day. I just wanted to know if this was ok and if there's anything I can do to keep it healthy if it is overstocked?
well, there is a big difference between a 10 gallon and a 20 gallon, so to start with, measure your tanks. Then plug the numbers into the aquarium calculator to find out how big your tanks are and how much fish would be optimal to keep in there.
Frequent water changes and live water plants help maintain an over-stocked tank :D

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