I have a Question, I think I have a 10 gallon, but it might be a 20. I'm not sure. I have 2 of them the same size. In one tank are about 11 baby gupps. no problem there, but in the other one I have 1 male molly, 1 female molly, I know I should have more females, but I'm not planning on keepning mollies for the long run. I have about 4 baby mollies, 2 teen guppies (about this big (_______) I also have 1 Beautiful male and 2 Awesome Female Guppies. Is this too many fish for my tank? If so can I still keep happy healthy gupps in this tank? Does it mean more Water changes or does it mean, I need more Tanks? I am really poor, And I can't afford another tank right now. I'm hoping to get one for my b-day. I just wanted to know if this was ok and if there's anything I can do to keep it healthy if it is overstocked?