6x2x2 Planted


Fish Addict
Nov 20, 2006
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ok as is noted here [URL="http://www.fishforums.net/content/Tropical...h-A-Huge-Price/"]http://www.fishforums.net/content/Tropical...h-A-Huge-Price/[/URL] had some tank wipe outs while i was in singapore. :(

so this leaves me with a spare 6x2x2 and i think i would like to do a huge community tank.

im looking for plants but i dont want to use co2, but i can basically give it any amount of lighting that is needed. i have 4 mercury vapour lights spare i have malide spare or t5's so i can give it anything needed. :rolleyes:

i would like a type of moss that i would like to cover a rock pile and any wood i will have. but not java moss. i would also like some amazon swords, which ones will grow to a good size say 18" to 24" high?

after those 2 im pretty open to anything so all suggestions are welcome :good:
basically uve got it crypts ferns anubiases is wat u want

if you have a tall tank crypt balansae or cyperus helferi looks good
Valis plants should do well. I've got a couple of different types in my 75 (no co2) and they are thriving.
Aponogeton ulvaceus ( I have one, the leaves and stems are huge and about a foot long )

Elodia and Cabomba are easy to grow and get fairly long/tall.
Foreground plants:
java moss
Christmas moss
Willow moss
Cryptocorynes wendtii
Cryptocorynes lucens
Anubia petite nana
Flame moss
Four leaf clover
Pogostemon Helferi

Midground Plants:
Nymphaea species (train them not to grow surface pads, otherwise they are a background plant)
Anubias barterii
Java fern

Background plants:
Most hygrophile species
Rotala rotundifolia
Egeria densa/Elodea densa
Nymphaea species
Amazon swords
Bacopa species
Hygrophila Salicifolia
All vallis
Ludwigia repens/rubin
Hydrocotyle leucocephala

ok ive planted some vallis around the rock work hopefull to sort of give it some external cover and make the fish feel more secure.

i think i like the idea of the four leaf clover as a carpeting plant

i saw a plant called nuphar japonica does anyone know much about it?

other than that its most likley crypts and amazon swords :good:

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