I have 4 aquariums with that profile... 3-45 talls, and 1-65... I have South American mid sized Cichlids, and African tetras, in 2 of the 45's, and Tilapia breeding stock in 1-45, and the 65...
mine are working... but with that tank profile, it would work best if you had some bottom, middle, and top layer fish... when I put together both my Tetra community tanks, I incorrectly assumed the Tetras would be top water fish, it I discovered the African Tetras took the middle layer, and the South American Tetras took the bottom... I would think 2-3 medium small Cichlids, for the bottom... most Tetras will take the middle, if the bottom is taken, and something like hatchet fish are top water only, and I've heard most pencil fish varieties will be happy with the top zone... I have zebra Oto's in with my mid size Cichlids, and that has been working well, as would a pleco or two
I always thought this shape of tank would be nice with Angel fish, and I do have one, in my Cichlid tank, but I've never been able to keep more than one in a tank long term, but I experimented, with Sliver Dollars ( which would also be a perfect match for this tank size )... I found one silver dollar, and one angel pair up nicely 2 out of two times I tried it...
4-5 Silver dollars ( I like Tigers ) would make an impressive community in a tank like this...