64L Planted Tank Adventures


Mostly New Member
Oct 9, 2015
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So tomorrow I'll finally be unboxing my new 64L tank (The LoveFish Panorama 64L) and putting it on it's cabinet ready for a rinse. Very excited. It comes with filter, lights (in hood) and a heater.

My plan for this tank is to stock it with one betta, 6-8 Ember tetra and 6-8 Corydoras Habrosus. I've already bought and been given some hardscaping items which I'll take pictures of tomorrow.

The layout plan is a medium sized piece of bogwood (which I set to soaking this morning) propped up on a chunk of African rock in the middle of the tank with another African rock in the right hand background. The second smaller African rock has some beautiful layers of quartz in it that I'm hoping will show up really well when they're submerged.

I want some anubias in the left background to cover the view of the filter and heater at the back, and some micro grasses around the rest of the tank as well as something that grows across the substrate as opposed to up into the water.

I also have some lovely smooth black pebbles, coloured glass beads and plenty of marbles that my Mum gave me for other decoration. And I bought a CO2 canister infuser, though I'm not sure whether to use it.

That's that for now. I'm still going to be running my other tank (the 22L nano cube) with a new betta when one catches my eye. But that won't be for months yet. Lots more research to do before I can even plant the tank.

Finally figured out how to upload pictures.

So here's the new tank with filter and heater fitted


And the substrate I'm going to use. 4kg of sand and 2kg of black 2mm gravel.


Here's the bogwood soaking. Not a great picture, apologies. It's just over a foot long.


The first piece of African rock that will be holding up the left end of the bogwood


Aaaand the second piece that'll be in the lefthand background.


There's also the black pebbles and coloured marbles that I forgot to take a picture of just yet. I'll take a picture of those once they're washed. Next step is to wash the substrate over the weekend and get that in the tank.
Also, apologies for the links to images as opposed to embedded. It's been a while since I've used [] tags!
Washed the 4kg of sand I got for the new tank yesterday... Why oh why did I hope that it might be enough?! It covers the bottom of the tank but by barely half an inch. So, lesson learned. I bought another 10kg today ready for washing tomorrow when I can.

Also bought some gorgeous "gravel" which is mostly clear and rose quartz as well as other common gemstones. I think that's a 2kg bag. I'm thinking I'll mix a handful of this and the small black gravel together to see if it looks right before jumping into mixing it all up. Though I may well just use the quartz mix. I also made sure the quartz gravel was smooth - wouldn't want corys hurting themselves on it!

I ordered an 8 plug extension lead to hook up both tanks to. Unfortunately there's only one place I can have my tanks, and only one double socket in that area, one of which plugs is taken up by the fridge. Not too much space here really. The upside is that there's a backup generator in case the power goes out so that should never be a problem. So once the extension is here I can check out the lights. There's an LED and a blue light in the hood. Not sure what the blue light is for as yet. The setup instructions didn't give me a clue.

I'll take some more pictures once the substrate and hardscape are in. Then for plants!

I have my eye on this absolutely beautiful crowntail betta in the LFS. It looks like a Jackson Pollock art piece, and seems quite calm, like Finn. I'm hoping he's still there by the time I have the second tank up and running.
So, here's how the tank looks with substrate, rocks and bogwood in.


I think it works pretty well.

This morning I filled the tank up and turned on the filter and heater an hour later. All very exciting. I'm going to start dosing with 3ppm of ammonia at 9pm this evening, then testing at same time every day and see how long it takes before it's cycled. I'm anticipating it being ready for fish around Christmas. After asking some advice here yesterday I won't be adding plants until the 90% water change at the end of the cycling. This'll also let the bogwood soak for longer to ensure no discolouration occurs when I add it.
I really like the setup you have.  Once you get the tank cycled and plants in there it's going to look even better.  I love planted tanks.  I'll be looking forward to the finished result.  Good luck with the cycling.  Hopefully you can get it cycled within a month. 
Thank you very much fatheadminnow. I'm very excited about getting the plants in. I've got an image in my head of what I'm going for, and I know it'll look a little different from that but hopefully for the better because it'll be real!

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