60g community tank help


New Member
Jun 30, 2004
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Hello all,

I am acquiring a 60g tank, and want to start a community. I really like elephant nose fish, and was wondering if I could fit 3-4 in a 60 gallon? I've read that they like to be together (although not in pairs). Can anyone tell me if this is true? Would they prefer to be in groups? Also, I am thinking about doing a scale-less community. What other fish shoud/could I include? Thank you very much!
Its not true that they like to be in a group or so. If you want to lessen their aggressiveness, i think you've to keep like 5-6 of them and I dont think you can keep those many in 60 gallon. I recommend you stick with one elephant

But don't they travel/live in groups in the wild? I've read stories about them playing together in groups of 3,4.
Taken from a previous post of mine;

Gnathonemus petersi or the Elephant Nose are quite shy fish that are often strictly nocturnal and require plenty of hiding spaces with subdued lighting. In time they will become more confident and emerge during the day but during the settling in period feed before lights out to ensure they can feed. They should be kept singly as they are quite aggressive towards their own species, or in a larger enough tank they can be kept in large groups. They are a member of the electric fish family and emit a small electrical charges when searching for food etc. They are very sensitive to water quality and some water companies use them to test their water.

Why not try some Peacock Eels Macrognathus aculeatus, there is some more information on this species here;


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