6 Lights Running From 1 Starter?


Jan 15, 2008
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Ok im in the process of setting up a small breeding corner for Corys. The stand im having made is basically a 4ft x 3ft L shape, 3 tiers.

Theres going to be something like this:

1 x 3ft Tank
1 x 2ft Tank
5 x 1ft Tank
2 x 1.5ft Tanks

Bottom Tier will hold 2 1.5ft Tanks on the 4ft side as grow out for young fish (After about 6 weeks). Middle shelf on the 4ft side will hold 3 x 1ft tanks, top shelf will hold 1 x 3ft tank. Im leaving 1ft spare as the "corner" of the stand where i can put all the bits like airpumps and external filter.

Now, the problem im going to have is Power. Its not going to be cheap but i just dont think i have enough sockets 9 heaters and 9 lights. Is there a way to get things that are wired into 1 unit? Is this possible? Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance :) Stand is going to be made next week so if you see anything you would change let me know :p
Whats wrong with extension leads ? you know, four sockets - bit of wire and a plug !

Also, I would use single lamps across the two/three tanks. So you would only need 3 lamps and gear.
Another option is to use multi tube ballasts...

As for heating, you could systemise the lot and use maybe a sump, with one heater and one filter.... or just bung single heaters in each tank - again all plugged into an extension... as long as you buy a good quality extension lead, you will be fine.
Yep thats what i feared >.>

Cant use a sump, fry would get sucked around too much. Might try and find a way to heat the fry tanks together though >.>
Yep thats what i feared >.>

Cant use a sump, fry would get sucked around too much. Might try and find a way to heat the fry tanks together though >.>

Do you already have these tanks ? If not, then get a large tank and use dividers.

Or, how about a heating mat under the tanks ? (you could use a 'stat in the smallest tank... I doubt the temp would be far off in the others)
I like the sound of a heating mat, i dont have the tanks yet, getting them next week (Money permitting). Where can i find a heating mat?
Mats are sold for use with reptiles... depending on your room temp, they may not be "man enough" as they are quite low wattage.
If its a breeding project, and doesnt need to look pretty... cover the tanks with polystyrene tiles on as much surfaces as possible - I have a 2 foot tank plastered like this in a spare room, and the room is freezing cold - but the heater is on less often than my show tank in the living room !
Given that you are buying tanks, I would recommend you buy longer tanks and use dividers - this way you only need one heater and one filter "per layer" on your stand.

Good luck...
Ok thanks for all the advice. What are the best types of dividers to use?

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