6 Foot Tank Stocking Ideas


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2012
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I'm hoping to set up a 6 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot tank in sort of 12-18 months.

This is my dream tank and I'm looking for loads of stocking ideas.

It will be sand substrate, 2 x External Eheim filters, lots of Bogwood and a few big rocks.

I really haven't got a clue about stocking levels so what do people think of this...

Blue Acara
Red and White Severum
Clown Loach (thinking 8-10)
Torpedo barbs (again 8-10)
Plecos (how many? Would like a few of the rarer ones)

Sound like a beautiful tank! This is very close to my dream tank, so make sure you keep us updated on its progress!

Sounds like a good stocking, for rare plecs I'm thinking maybe leopeord sailfin, mango plec, peppermint plec, royal pleco, tiger plec, and gold nugget plec :good:
Also you could give a common plec a good home
I'm hoping to set up a 6 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot tank in sort of 12-18 months.

This is my dream tank and I'm looking for loads of stocking ideas.

It will be sand substrate, 2 x External Eheim filters, lots of Bogwood and a few big rocks.

I really haven't got a clue about stocking levels so what do people think of this...

Blue Acara
Red and White Severum
Clown Loach (thinking 8-10)
Torpedo barbs (again 8-10)
Plecos (how many? Would like a few of the rarer ones)


Torpedo Barbs do not mix well with Clown Loaches... They both like strong currents, but the Clowns need a minimum temp of 25C and Torpedo Barbs should only be kept at this temp at the very peak of summer, spending most of the year below 20C (as low as 15C). Keeping the two together means the Torpedo Barbs will do well to reach five years maximum instead of their expected 8 years, because their metabolic rate will be going full throttle all year round.
Or you could save yourself a huge lot of mess and uprooted tank and *not* get a common/sailfin plec :p

Golden Nuggets, Candy Stripes, Clowns, Peppermints are all very nice and faily tolerant L number plecs (golden nuggets maybe less so) but I wouldnt bother adding plecs until the tank is 6 months + and if you find a really good shop, they should be able to have a good go at getting you a sexed pair of plecs :)

Dont know what you mean by Red and White severums? Not unless you mean the severum hybrid Parrot fish. Or the Red Spot Severums that are golden with red spots all over?

If you want the Torpedos and the Clown loach (would be epic!) I would get a powerhead (usually in marine section of shops) to add more flow to the tank, they love it!
Thanks for all the replies.

I would happily give a nice sailfin Pleco a home as they look awesome when they reach 12" and more.

I like magnum, golden nugget, snowball and queen arabesque! How many realistically could I have in with a common?

By red and white Severum I think I meant "super red gold Severum" but not really looked into these yet so will have to do some research. I also like the salvini cichlid.

I didn't realise the denisoni barbs required such low temperatures so will knock these on the head.

8-10 clown loach are a must, I've dreamed of owning these for many years. How will these fair in a tank of 3-4 large cichlids?

What other smaller fish would you folks go with? Barb or tetra wise?

Thanks all

Also could I get away with an Oscar? And how would my stocking have to alter?


I personally would avoid oscars if I want to keep tetras. And most other fish I have listed. They grow mega fast and tend to eat anythin that'll fit in their mouths... and sometimes even things that won't fit haha!

I'm a fan of the Congo tetras, bit different and a fair bit bigger than the usual tetras. I also added some white widdows to my tank that look great, up till the other day I never knew they even existed :)

Oh aye.... get loads and loads of corys!!! Great fish :D


I personally would avoid oscars if I want to keep tetras. And most other fish I have listed. They grow mega fast and tend to eat anythin that'll fit in their mouths... and sometimes even things that won't fit haha!

I'm a fan of the Congo tetras, bit different and a fair bit bigger than the usual tetras. I also added some white widdows to my tank that look great, up till the other day I never knew they even existed :)

Oh aye.... get loads and loads of corys!!! Great fish :D

Okay thanks.

I will look into the tetra/barbs with more detail and see what fits best.

How do clown loach go with large cichlids?

I'm thinking of dropping the Oscar and going with something like...

1 x Gold Severum
1 x Blue Acara
1 x Firemouth
1 x RTB Shark
8 x Clown Loach or 10 x Sterbai Cory ???
1 x Queen Arabesque
1 x Para Pleco
1 x Large Schoal Tetra or Barb ???

This is just a quick brainstorm and by no means the final stocking but how is it looking?


I keep my clown loach with my severum and they all get along fine.

Depending on the tetra, ie, neon, rummy nose, glow lights... small tetras, will all become live food for fish like severum and firemouth. Certainly has been in my experience of keeping them anyway.

Would the clown loach and Cory get along? Large school of each and then forget about smaller fish?
Would the clown loach and Cory get along? Large school of each and then forget about smaller fish?
Think so yeh, dont know about some other bigger fish though, like firemouth. Think if/when they get bigger they might be tempted by the corys, although they would get a nasty shock if they did :crazy:


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