6 Foot Cory Tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 10, 2007
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I was wondering how many corys could go into a six-foot tank that is only for them. All kinds of species, including the big ones like portholes, brochis and S. barbatus. About 80?(Maybe not)

Like for example, the list would be something like this;(My own favorites)

Corydoras sterbai
Corydoras metae
Corydoras panda
Corydoras aeneus( :p )
Corydoras juhlii
Corydoras pygmeus
Brochis splendens
S. barbatus
Well, it wouldn't go on forever.

I wish it could be true, a huge tank with all those cute little droll catfish running around the bottom......
I am thinking somewhere around 100 usg.

Frankly with good filtration, water movement, and frequent water changes, I find I can keep about 1 Cory per usg. But if you are including some of the larger species and a Syno or two, you might have to reduce that and you and the fish would no doubt be better off with 1 per 2 usg.

As far as which fish you could stock, while by keeping a constant 75 F. you could presumably mix the fish you list, I would check the requirements for the different species. Many of the fish you list have different temperature preferences. And while they all overlap at around 75 F., keeping them at the extreme of their range can stress them. Also some species are more boisterous then others. Pandas for instance may have objections to being housed with a larger bulldozer. Different species actually do have preferences for tank mates.

But I am with you! I would love to have a 100 gallon with just Corys and Brochis. I have a 50 with pandas, Wietzmani, duplicarus, Super Schwartzi, longipinnus, and some Aspidoras (maybe some more I can't think of at the moment.) I love that tank and they seem to like it too, as I get lots of spawning activity.
Actually, my 5 ft tank is 100G, so it'd probably be about 125 or 150G's. And IMO, it seems kinda pointless to have a cory tank.... But whatever floats your boat.
Yeah, the idea is fun, but maybe not true. Still, I love those droll little catfish, especially brochis.
We had a member with a 100 usg or more Cory tank: PC1963, I think it was. I was really jealous. :rolleyes:

Anyone who wouldn't enjoy a 100 Corys in a group doesn't know Corys!
Maybe along with a bunch of cories in the 6 ft tank you could have a large school of some type of flashy schooling fish? That would be an awesome tank.

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