6 barbs + anymore? (warning 350kb: pics)


Mar 13, 2004
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I just setup a new tank yesterday, it's a ten gallon, nothing huge, but of course the fish arnt huge as well. They look like little guys in that huge tank lol only 10 gal. But i'm looking to add somthing else, i know that the tiger barbs are a little aggressive with nipping fins and stuff, but i have 6 so they should leave the other fish alone.

I think maybe 2 albino catfish would be suitable, Do they eat algea and leftover food.. and pooop or what.. i want some fish bottomfeeder that will clean it all up. Good all around cleanup fish .

Here's a coupel pics of my tank and my fish and setup so far.



What Does this filter really do, i dont understand the point, purify water? what other filters are there out there for waste.. i only have a 10 gal tank remember.


I have a 15 gallon tank w/ 5 tiger barbs, 3 albino corys, 3 zebra danios and one tropheus duboisi maswa cichlid in it...I just added the corys and the cichlid and 2 of the danios, but overall, the tiger barbs have been great, hope they will get along w/ their new tank mates!
You say you set it up a couple days ago?

Did you put Bio-Spira in there? BEcause if not, and you didn't cycle, then you probablty better hold off on putting anymore fish and start testing for ammonia. Some expert keepers are sure to come along in this thread an explain it in very clear terms ;)

Are those two tubes attached to a plastic plate under the gravel? If they are thats an undergravel filer setrup. If they aren't then I haven't go a clue what that is :)
Well i put some START RIGHT -complete water conditioner, reduces stress, removed chlorine and chloramine, stimulaties natural protection slime coat stuff in it.I know about the cycle, so i just put this stuff, in i'm sure it'll be fine, if not... then fish dont cost lots of money, but i lose a friend :(

Yes it's a undergravel filter, but what does that really do?
My advice is go out and buy lots of either live or fake plants (or both :) ), some tall ones and some shorter one, then plant the all in your tank. After you've done this, your tank will look so much more full (and good to look at :thumbs: ), and you might even decide that you don't need more fish :nod: I always used to think my tank looked bare and I ended up overstocking it a bit, but now I have loads of live plants and my tank looks full and exciting :D
wow..i luv ur tiger barbs, i wish u good luck on the cycling..btw add sum plants, i think it'll make it look betta imo

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