6.6 Gallon Tank.can I Put A Diy Co2 Reactor?


New Member
Apr 17, 2009
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i have a 6.6 gal tank with :
7 white cloud mountain minnows
3 harlequin rasboras
1 redtail black shark
1 small clown loach
1 zebra loach
8 zebra danios
3 neon tetras
1 fighting fish
and 3 micro rosboras.
i have 2 filters.one facing the gravel and one is pumping water any where.
they are on at the same time and are turned of at night.all my real plants have died due to the lack of co2.
i want to know if i can put a diy co2 reactor in my tank (to keep plants alive) and if it will be safe for all my fish.
it will use 1 cup of sugar and one teaspoon of baking yeast

i have a 6.6 gal tank with :
7 white cloud mountain minnows these will be able to stay but most likely be these or the neons not both
3 harlequin rasboras [need ot be in big groups and in a 2-3 foot tank
1 redtail black shark needs to be ina 2-3 foot tank
1 small clown loach needs to go , needs to be in groups and also needs massive tank 100g+
1 zebra loachtank is too small need 2-3foot tank
8 zebra danios need to go as the tanks too small for them
3 neon tetras need to be in shoals generally, this will be ok in the tank once the others ahve gone
1 fighting fish sometimes are species only tank as they can be very aggresive.
and 3 micro rosboras. ideally in groups , like with the neons/minnows either one or the other
i have 2 filters.one facing the gravel and one is pumping water any where.
they are on at the same time and are turned of at night.all my real plants have died due to the lack of co2.
i want to know if i can put a diy co2 reactor in my tank (to keep plants alive) and if it will be safe for all my fish.
it will use 1 cup of sugar and one teaspoon of baking yeast


Not trying to moan or tell you you've got it all wrong but those fish will be very unhappy and most likely die.

Best thing to do is get rid of what you can't keep then see if the plants grow. you will also notice some more happy and active fish
i have a 6.6 gal tank with :
7 white cloud mountain minnows these will be able to stay but most likely be these or the neons not both
3 harlequin rasboras [need ot be in big groups and in a 2-3 foot tank
1 redtail black shark needs to be ina 2-3 foot tank
1 small clown loach needs to go , needs to be in groups and also needs massive tank 100g+
1 zebra loachtank is too small need 2-3foot tank
8 zebra danios need to go as the tanks too small for them
3 neon tetras need to be in shoals generally, this will be ok in the tank once the others ahve gone
1 fighting fish sometimes are species only tank as they can be very aggresive.
and 3 micro rosboras. ideally in groups , like with the neons/minnows either one or the other
i have 2 filters.one facing the gravel and one is pumping water any where.
they are on at the same time and are turned of at night.all my real plants have died due to the lack of co2.
i want to know if i can put a diy co2 reactor in my tank (to keep plants alive) and if it will be safe for all my fish.
it will use 1 cup of sugar and one teaspoon of baking yeast


Not trying to moan or tell you you've got it all wrong but those fish will be very unhappy and most likely die.

Best thing to do is get rid of what you can't keep then see if the plants grow. you will also notice some more happy and active fish

no,infact my fish are all healthy and are peaceful with eachother.my fish dont have to go because my tank has still lots of swimming space and space to grow.
ok fair doo's dont take advice , have a look through the species index, work out the potenital size of the fish compared to the size of your tank , you will realise you are overstocked.....

might be worth checking water stats , might give an indication on why the plants are not suriving
ok fair doo's dont take advice , have a look through the species index, work out the potenital size of the fish compared to the size of your tank , you will realise you are overstocked.....

might be worth checking water stats , might give an indication on why the plants are not suriving

ok ive done that.they are not growing because there is not enough co2.but this is the question:can i put
on in???? can u plz answer

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