5teady splits again


Fish Crazy
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
getting ready for the second drop.
she has this big white looking bubble hanging out near her anus fin.
I know that it is not poop.
I assume that she getting ready to go. I have since moved her.
Yes I am new I have reviewed the stickies. I am quite sure kinda think that my platy is ready to drop fry!!!!
I will add pictures. The reason i think she is ready correct me if im wrong the white ball near the lower rear fin (so i have read) becomes very noticeable. As you will see in photos.
All though she does not appear to be as large as or as square as some pics i have seen???


It appears my files are to large to be attached. So if you would like to view copy the links above (i have set up some pics on photobucket)
thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have to share.
i would say in another week or so she isnt quite squared off
the white bit on the anus is quite prominant on orange colour platys when they are pregnant and not a sure sigh of giving birth
when they are due the white bit gets a little black circle in the middle - the end of the birthing tube

good luck Sarah x
Yes I am new I have reviewed the stickies. I am quite sure kinda think that my platy is ready to drop fry!!!!
I will add pictures. The reason i think she is ready correct me if im wrong the white ball near the lower rear fin (so i have read) becomes very noticeable. As you will see in photos.
All though she does not appear to be as large as or as square as some pics i have seen???

well i have found one Fry in the tank.
Maybe the process has finnished? I will keep watching.
I have a question roughly how long would a new born fry be 1/4 inch or less.
Could it be she had them a few days ago!
Congrats! At a 1/4 of an inch it is likely that it is a few days old. Any chance of pics?
I don't think that she is quite ready yet but it is really hard to judge by pictures. If you could get an overhead shot it would be helpful. Congrats on the fry...he/she is cute.
i took her out of the birting tank. But we put in a tank divider with what i believe to be adequate plant. I could not get a useful over head picture.


I am a little confused when i read of dark or black gravid. In this next picture is this the spot behind white/silver belly area.? :blush:


This next picture really confuses me and concerns me. I didnt know they could get this "Square" :unsure:
http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll107/b...tjunky/6017.jpg :lol: :lol: :lol:
my son took the picture
I had to i know silly.



The last picture she dont look that big, maybe 2 weeks ish, but the top 2 show otherwise, about 3 weeks ish pregnant..

The gravid spot is the back area at the back of the fish (near where it poops).



The last picture she dont look that big, maybe 2 weeks ish, but the top 2 show otherwise, about 3 weeks ish pregnant..

The gravid spot is the back area at the back of the fish (near where it poops).
I forgot to state that the first set of pictures and the secound are a different fish.
Sorry guys - slightly different this time :p

Great post and it really helped! My post (http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=271977) has the information and pictures - but I have had my molly in the breeding trap for a day now, and she still hasn't dropped - everyone who has commented says she is fit to burst, and on the bottom of the trap is a lot of poop and some weird egg-type things. Are these dead fry? Or some kind of algae forming around excess food or poo? I'm really worried, cos i want everything to go perfectly!

Also, she seems to be pooing red-ish poo, is this a bad sign?

Yeah haha - I'm probably overreacting :blush:
really good post this, i have a really heavy pregnant marble molly. i have made a breed'r out of a 2l water bottle will post a pic tomorrow as its lights off on tank ''bed time''. hopefully i might have fry in the morning. :rolleyes:
THANK-YOU very much we have compered them and they look the same and look they are about to have young :good:
Hmm.. my red platy is the same exact thing, I havn't any fry, SHE SOMETIMES hangs by the gravels but she is constantly being chased by the male. I think I should trap her over night to see if she releases any fry.

P.S. What's the trap called? Thanks.

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