5gallon Nano Saltwater


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Alright, so I used to have a very nice 29gallon FwLRO tank, but I shut it down in order to help my dad out with his 72 reef (which is going great right now I must say -pics to follow). Since working on my dad's tank I've begun to miss my nano tank, so I've decided to set up a 5gallon nano in my room. My question is however, would stocking the tank with 3 snails, 1 clownfish and possibly a small goby (something like a watchman goby) be too much in the tank?
Goby, good idea, clownfish get too big for a 5g IMO.
Alright, well thanks much :) I do want some type of fish swimming about. Any suggestions?

The final stock will hopfully be

3 snails
1 watchman goby (probably a yellow watchman)
and 1 swimming fish...
Two fish is really too much for a 5 gallon tank...personally I think one fish is too much.

agree, and if you are going to go for a goby, you might want something a bit smaller than a watchman, maybe a clown. Ive noticed my goby has gotten pretty long and im pretty sure it will get longer.
Yea I also agree, 5G is a bit small for both a clownfish and a watchman. There are other small gobies that you could look into that macy be ok in the tank. How about getting a shrimp and some small zoo'z or something instead of the fish...
At some LFS I see clownfish in very small tank set-ups on offer. Those fish are tiny and need to be removed when growing bigger.
My LFS keeps baby fish in 1 gallon fish bowls...she has one now with a few frags and a few green banded gobys...she also keeps juvenile regal tangs in nano displays :p I dont agree with it but they all do well...it just presents the wrong idea.
Well, since my dad does have the 72gallon reef I was planning on just switching the fish over to him when it got larger. But a clown goby you said? That sounds cute :p What kind of actual swimming fish (like one that's middle to top level dweler) would you reccommend?
Maybe a firefish... Although they can get quite large over time. Mine's clear over 3"
Neon gobies are a pretty intense nano-fish. Clown gobies are suited as well, they have been reported breeding in tanks of only two gallons. Not that I'd recommend it, but neat nonetheless.

I would actually suggest some showy inverts for this tank, such as sexy shrimp. Very well suited to a tiny tank.
I would actually suggest some showy inverts for this tank, such as sexy shrimp. Very well suited to a tiny tank.
:blink: :lol: I have heard of them, they get their name by waving their abdomens back and forth. Creepy.
Neon gobies are a pretty intense nano-fish.
Yeah, I was thinking about those too.

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