when younger, I had a lot more predatory fish, among them, many Oscars... Oscars are one of those fish with a lot of personality, you may end up with one that likes having a buddy, or one that will thrash just about anything you put in there... I've even seen tetras in with Oscars... smaller, faster fish than the Oscar could catch ( I would never do that... not much of a life for the smaller fish )... it goes without saying, that unless the "other fish is a fast swimmer, that it needs to be similar size to the Oscar, both when added to the tank, and the "gets to" size... Oscars are gulpers, not fin nippers, I've even seen a big angel fish in with an Oscar before... I do have large barbs... the only caution there... often Tin Foils are used as dither fish, but they need to be in a big group, or they are too skittish, & I'm really liking my Dawkinsia, but mine are in a cool water tank, and most barbs of that type prefer cooler water, than an Oscar would be happy in... my last Oscar shared the tank with a 12 inch Tiger Shovelnose Catfish... wasn't a match made in heaven, but worked... part of the challenge, is the Oscar will use the whole tank, top to bottom, so it's difficult to find a fish that won't be sharing the same space