55gal Stocking/Overstocking?


New Member
Feb 29, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon (48" long x 18" high) cycled tank with the following:

5 fancy guppies

2 sailfin mollies

4 zebra danios (thinking about moving these out)

2 dwarf gourami

3 platies

4 cories

2 ottos

several ghost shrimp

several plants- elodia, hornwort, java fern, amazon sword, water sprite

Can I safely add a few more fish, such as mollies?

Am I near my limit on cories and ottos? (I don't seem to be producing much algae).
i think you can definitely add more fish. more cories would be great as they love to be in big groups. you can also add a few mollies or otos
If you do move the zebra danios, I think more cories and ottos would be a good idea. Try to get about 6 of each, since both are shoaling fish. Or if you really want another molly or two, choose either ottos or cories.

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