55g tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2004
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Hi guys I am new here And would Like to say Hi to everybody and cant wait to get to know you guys! :D

Ok well I have been keeping fish for years and just love it so I thought why not join a group of pople that do too :)

I have a 55g tank with 5 angelfish and 2 blue gouramis they look wondefull and I cant be more happier the tank is cycled and the fish are happy!

But I want more fish and I just wanted too know your oppinions on what kind of fish I should get. I am open to suggestions! I like all kinds of fish and have no problem with anykind.

So what fish would you get if you where in my shoes?

Thanx :thumbs:

Well, I'd start with 6 Otocinclus to keep the tank clean...
Not to be pushy or anything, but I'm selling fish from my aquarium and they would be:
Type of fish Proposed price

Opaline gourami 4
pangasius catfish 6.30
pictus catfish 5.60
otocinclus 3
large angel 12
small angel 7
pearl scale angel breeding pair 25
pearl scale angel 12
bala shark 7
puffer fish 6
silver tip shark 10
pearl gourami 7
moonlight gourami 6
6" pleco 5
12" pleco 10

But you can get what ever you want-think is pritty... :) if you go with the 6 ottos then you only have 16 gallons left approx of fish room (1 inch of fish per gallon-and saying the angel and goramis get to full size 5" amd 4" respectively) ok have fun B)
Thanx Guys!

I need More oppinions Please!!

Ok I have been reading alot of posts on here and I am starting to get worried :sad: . I have read that gouramis and angels dont go with each other??? But mine are doing great with each other -_-

But yet agian my angels are still 2-3 months old and about an inch long. and the gouramis are about an inch to 2 inches...so is there still hope or do I have to take the gouramis out of the tank? agian as of now theres no fights or anything.

As of other tankmates what are the best tankmates for a 55g with 5 angelfish and 2 blue gouramis?(as far as Compatibility goes)

Sorry for the trouble I Just want the best for the fish and enviorment.



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