Fish Crazy
Hi guys I am new here And would Like to say Hi to everybody and cant wait to get to know you guys!
Ok well I have been keeping fish for years and just love it so I thought why not join a group of pople that do too
I have a 55g tank with 5 angelfish and 2 blue gouramis they look wondefull and I cant be more happier the tank is cycled and the fish are happy!
But I want more fish and I just wanted too know your oppinions on what kind of fish I should get. I am open to suggestions! I like all kinds of fish and have no problem with anykind.
So what fish would you get if you where in my shoes?
Ok well I have been keeping fish for years and just love it so I thought why not join a group of pople that do too
I have a 55g tank with 5 angelfish and 2 blue gouramis they look wondefull and I cant be more happier the tank is cycled and the fish are happy!
But I want more fish and I just wanted too know your oppinions on what kind of fish I should get. I am open to suggestions! I like all kinds of fish and have no problem with anykind.
So what fish would you get if you where in my shoes?
