55g Stocking, What Do You Think?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2006
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What do you think about 3 Rams, 11 black phantoms, 6 or 7 bronze corys, 7 hachetfish, and 3 or 4 ottos. What so you think about that? This tank has been running for a year and a half. The water is perfect and I wold be adding the fish in all at once but in groups over a month or so period. Does anyone have any suggestions or comments please do. Thanks!!! The tank is heavy planted and has 3 large pieces of driftwood. I was also wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a school of about 6 or 7 tetras that would add great color to the tank.


3 Rams

10 black phantoms

7 bronze corys

7 marbled hachetfish

4 ottos

and one more school of a great looking tetra I hope to get feedback on. A school of about 6 or 7
looks pretty understocked! :D I'd say you should go with 5 rams instead of 3... try to get 4 females and 1 male... get 8-10 corries, same with the hatchet fish and I'd say in a 55gallon tank... 7 otos....
looks pretty understocked! :D I'd say you should go with 5 rams instead of 3... try to get 4 females and 1 male... get 8-10 corries, same with the hatchet fish and I'd say in a 55gallon tank... 7 otos....

Maybe like 14 black phantoms

10 corys

8 hachetfish

4 Rams

7 ottos

a small school of about 10 tetras
ratio for all fish to breed should be 3f to 1m... so if your getting 4 rams in total than do that... 10 corys good... 8 hatchets, I'd say get 10 instead of 8... 7 otos good... 4 rams :D and whatever the other school of tetras is going to be... might I suggest bloodfin tetras or get harlequin rosbaras...
Right..... 3f to 1m for all fish? Do explain..... My mad mind seems to think fish that pair off, will do best as just that, pairs. Also where is breeding mentioned?
yes, however jayjay if you do research on breeding any fish, you should always have the ratio of 3f-1m... this way the males do not fight over the females... also this way, if one or even all the females aren't ready to breed, then the male has no choice but to back down for the time being because he is out numbered... Research breeding fish, post in this section about breeding and you'll see that the ratio should be 3f-1m...
Fine I'll question you on this. Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum (convict cichlid) if you had 1m 3f and a pair formed you understand the other 2 females would be seriously attacked? Pelvicachromis sp. in my experience having 1m 3f does not work, females often fight. Still believe in 1m 3f?
Fine I'll question you on this. Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum (convict cichlid) if you had 1m 3f and a pair formed you understand the other 2 females would be seriously attacked? Pelvicachromis sp. in my experience having 1m 3f does not work, females often fight. Still believe in 1m 3f?

Lol dont you guys get on? i swear i saw another post with you two arguing in it....
Rams IMO would be best kept in 3-1 i dont know about other fish, but rams are peaceful except when having just bred. the male defends his eggs quite aggressivly and all of the fish in the tank will be kept away. The reason for the 3-1 ratio is usally to ensure a pair is formed i think, and so that the 1-female is not harrased by say for instance 2-males. It is usally reccomended 3-1 so this relationship can form and then if you like you can remove the 'spare' females..... i think

*Im not 100 percent certain on any of the above, jus bits that seem to have stuck in my mind. Please wait for someone more knowledgable to clear this up a little before doing any of the above*

Greg :good:
I must say that even you pointed out the removal of "spare" females Greg. In a tank like this I doubt the person will be removing any fish unless they have to.

To ensure a pair is impossible, to help it's chances however, most people use 6 fish and a mixture of males and females, as if the one male doesn't seem interested and you only have one, a pair is unlikely to happen.
see, when you try to breed fish jayjay the ratio should always be 1male to every 3 females, once a pair has formed you seperate it... clearly you've never tried to breed fish purposly, otherwise you'd know that... aswell I agree with gsta, we don't get on very well...
tho i doubt that he will be after a breeding pair so it will proberly be a planted tank and the ratio of 1-3 will just spready the bullying out that the male will do :)
I give up.... it's pointless. To add; don't comment on my breeding experiences unless you know them as well in the future please.
No, not you my fat fish :)

see, when you try to breed fish jayjay the ratio should always be 1male to every 3 females, once a pair has formed you seperate it... clearly you've never tried to breed fish purposly, otherwise you'd know that... aswell I agree with gsta, we don't get on very well...

Fate2006 is the one that mentioned it, sorry.

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