
New Member
Aug 20, 2020
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United States
Hi all, please bear with me as I go on another long post lol

I currently have a 10g that has a stock of 1 honey gourami, 5 cardinal tetras and some cherry shrimp (pictured) and a 29g tall that has 9 black skirt tetra, 6 zebra danios and 6 julii cories also pictured. the 29g has some pretty high flow as it used to be a saltwater tank prior.

So I am picking up a 55g tank tomorrow and looking for stocking ideas. I am going to be taking the black skirts out of the 29g and putting them in the 55g. I have the following questions.

1. I would like to rehome the honey gourami and cardinals into the 29g, however I need advice on whether or not the high flow may be an issue with the honey gourami or cardinals?
2. What are some stocking ideas for a 55g that would work with black skirt tetras? Also, if the answer to question 1 is that the flow would be too much for the honey gourami, that would also go into the 55g so my stocking would need to be compatible there as well.

Some notes on water in my area:
ph is around 6.6-6.8 in my tanks
water is slightly hard to medium hard
would have 1 small piece of drift wood and be moderately planted
One fish that has really caught my eye recently are the Electric Blue Acara and thought it would make an awesome centerpiece fish. but again open to any suggestions (would prefer fish that can he prepared foods fyi)

TLDR: 55g stocking ideas for a tank that will have 9 black skirt tetras and potentially a honey gourami :)
Black Skirt Tetras can be very nasty fish I had them once and they were tank terrors. I couldn't keep Neons in there because they would eat them and they would chase all the other species of fish in the tank relentlessly. That being said, Serpae Tetras would work as would Red Eye Tetras and Red Tail Sharks
Black Skirt Tetras can be very nasty fish I had them once and they were tank terrors. I couldn't keep Neons in there because they would eat them and they would chase all the other species of fish in the tank relentlessly. That being said, Serpae Tetras would work as would Red Eye Tetras and Red Tail Sharks
funny you say that! my black skirts have been extremely easy going with the cories and danios in the tank (except when its feeding time). Serpae's on the other hand have been my tank terrors. Absolutely love the Red tail shark recommendation, will need to do some research on them.
funny you say that! my black skirts have been extremely easy going with the cories and danios in the tank (except when its feeding time). Serpae's on the other hand have been my tank terrors. Absolutely love the Red tail shark recommendation, will need to do some research on them.
That's strange, I've had people tell me that tetras are the best fish and they are so calm and friendly and other people tell me that they wish they never got them because they are little terrors. I have a few neon tetras that are all friendly, but some people are amazed how they are so calm for me. I wonder why some tetras, even of the same breed can be so different!
That's strange, I've had people tell me that tetras are the best fish and they are so calm and friendly and other people tell me that they wish they never got them because they are little terrors. I have a few neon tetras that are all friendly, but some people are amazed how they are so calm for me. I wonder why some tetras, even of the same breed can be so different!
guess it really does come down to the environment they're in!

so here's a stock idea and let me know what you all think:
up my black skirts from 9 to 15
7 peppered cories
3 honey gourami's
5 otos
2 german blue rams
(aqadvisor says 82% stocking)

9 black skirt tetras
up my 5 cardinals to 12 cardinals
7 peppered cories
3 honey gourami's
5 otos
2 german blue rams
(aqadvisor says 93% stocking)

although the stocking is high on the second option, thinking being heavily planted could help.
also potentially interested in angelfish if I can still get away with my honey gourami being in there. I know the angels wont bother the black skirts if theyre in a big enough school
No pro at all here....also correct me of I am confused about your different plans/scenarios, but since you asked...

Up the black skirts..
Up the Danios, or add a similar size group of other Danio (long fin, blue long fin are gorgeous, i even think they have a "giant" danio...)
Keep the Julii....maybe introduce a decent group of other cory?
You know this communoty works. No brainer. Here's a thought, I think there are also white skirt tetras, but called somerhimg else.

Research your showpiece fish and take others' suggestions. Maybe spend some time letting the larger groups settle in while you ponder

It would be great if Honey Gouramis are compatable. If so, maybe then add more of those and/or sparkling gouramis?

Research natural environments of your 10g stock. Maybe they will like the fast water?
There are ways to adjust water flow

If Honey don't mesh with Black skirts,
(i wouldn't risk moving it in with them to large tank, i think they are peaceable and I, too, have heard stories about black skirts, again, I am a wimp),
keep Honey with it's tetra pals and get more...5 maybe. Wow all the red and blue and yellow!!
Then with the cardinals you can get other could keep the number you have (5?) and add another species of tetra, say a dozen. Or add more cardinals and fewer of the new tetra. I suggest getting a similar size tetrao avoid anything scary because I am a WIMP.
Rummy nose, in my opinion, would be perfect. Same shape and close in size.
Then, as before, research and ponder some specialties.

These 2 fish already work together...again, no brainer.

The Blue Acara I read about in your other post sounds interesting...A peaceful fish...I will be getting a larger tank soon!

Thanks for bring it up and to the forum member who advised you.

Maybe this could be my "Something blue!"

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