55G Community Stocking?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2013
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Hey everyone. I'm looking at remaking my 55g aquarium from the ground up. Plans fell through to upgrade my tank size and my current stock is going to grow too large, going to be giving them away either back to my LFS or to family who could sucessfully keep them. I've only had a few different community tanks before and I want to try something new. I was thinking of doing multiple schools of smaller fish (less than 2" at full size would be best). I will be going with a sandy substrate and a few pieces of driftwood, maybe a few rocky structures, but what kinds of schooling fish would work well? Figured maybe a large group of Neon Tetras for starters, but I don't really know where to go after that. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

PS - Could I still have a mid-size pleco? Currently have a 4" long Mango that I would like to keep.
I'm inexperienced with any catfish but for schooling fish what would you like? I have a school of harlequin rasboras and they are great! they school pretty tightly and usually stay close. A lot of tetra would work well. Adding a school of glow-light tetra would look interesting with the neon tetras! I personally love serpae tetra and especially rummy nose tetra! They look stunning! and rummy noses seem to school nicely!
Scissor tail rasbora have interesting personalities as well. Its all about what look you want or personalities you want! 
I would think you could still have a smallish pleco. Like a BN? Just make sure they have places to hide. :)

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