55 Gallon too heavy for a second floor??


New Member
May 5, 2004
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Will a 55 gallon aquarium (long) be too heavy (with water and rocks) in my bedroom? My bedroom is on the second floor and i am worried the weight might be too heavy? The house is not old and was built in 1985, so im thinking it should hold about 700 pounds in one place..? i hope so! Please give me any feedback on this!
-DD :crazy:
no it wont be too heavy. The weight of the tank will be spread out over the area of the stand/dresser that you put it on and modern floors are designed to hold many times that weight. So dont :( be :) and enjoy fishkeeping. HTH :)
It shouldn't be too heavy.

If you've got the blueprints, can get it inspected, or can find records stating how much your floor can hold, you'd be better off. :nod:
think about it... your hot water tank may be on the 2nd floor (our is) anf that is a lot of water... it'll be fine
Shouldn't be a problem with one exception, but that goes for tanks on ground floors as well. A large tank should always sit across your floor joists (beams), not along a single one. If you put it against a wall, it shouldn't really be a problem. I have seen an instance where someone put a large tank (90-gallons, if I were guessing) in the center of a floor along one floor joist in an older house, and it caused the floor to sag and the joist to crack. It's only a miracle it didn't break. After those folks moved out of the house, much repairwork had to be done to repair the floor and replace the joist.

The reason why I suggest putting it in the best structual place possible is that it will rock less when people walk by :)
Also when seating it across the joists try and spread the weight to as many square inches of stand and floor contact as possible. I have an older house and I'll be getting a stand that is the same at the bottom as the top, as in rails that run along the length to spread the weight.
if your house was 15 years older (1970) it might of colapsed but 1985 is ok

i am about to fill my new 55 gal tank upstairs and my house was built in the mid to late 1970's. will this be okay. i have previously had a 35 gal on it and it was okay.


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