55 Gallon Terrarium


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Well, i've got a 55gallon terrarium set-up. I've decided to do about 1/3rd the tank of water. The stock is going to be:

6x Anoles
4x Fire bellied toads
4x green tree frogs
2x Long tailed lizard

and in the water I may get 2 paradise gouramis or mabye 2 or 3 female bettas.

Do you guys think this will be a good set up? I'll attach a picture that I drew on paint (I'm not the best drawer lol the big blobby thing by the rock is supposed to be wood.

There will of course be more wood aswell as some frog moss added.
Loving the idea how large is the water pool? have you looked into ripariums or vivariums.
The water pool is approximatly 1.5 feet. about 3-4" deep. probably like 5 gallons at the max. I plan to put a fluval 1 plus in the water for ovious reasons. I plan to do about 50% water changes every other day.
you could have 1 female betta in that tank if is you change it to 10g you could have 4-5
For the pool i would build an external filter as your inhabitants are quite messy perhaps a fluidised bed reactor or simple canister. a single male betta splenden is a possibility I am not sure whether the flowing fins would be a target though perhaps a plakat would be best.

Dont just say female bettas, bettas is the genus for 30+ species I can guess you mean splendens but not all species are as hyper aggressive so be more exact with your advice.

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