55 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Here is the tank info
55 oceanic tank
4x 40 watt NO floresent tubes
2x Aquaclear 300 filters
1x Ehiem canister filter
Sand as substrate.

I want some help/ideas with aquascaping, being a guy I have no idea what I'm doing :p As well any suggestions for fish. (I'm shooting for a community tank)
Yano said:
Here is the tank info
55 oceanic tank
4x 40 watt NO floresent tubes
2x Aquaclear 300 filters
1x Ehiem canister filter
Sand as substrate.

I want some help/ideas with aquascaping, being a guy I have no idea what I'm doing :p As well any suggestions for fish. (I'm shooting for a community tank)
Look at my signature for a well stocked Idea for a community, tetras, otos, cories, rams, and danios are all good choices :thumbs:
Hi Yano :)

Before I comment about fish, I just want to say that you have a massive amount of filtration going there. (I like to fill the chamber above the sponge with filter floss for even more surface for beneficial bacteria to grow.) You will probably find that you can take one off and use it for another tank at some point in the future. :thumbs:

When you think about stocking a tank, you might want to consider the various level in the water. Some fish are bottom feeders, some are middle to top and some are top dwellers.

Another thing to consider is the shape of the fish you would like. Color and size, within reason, also add variety.

For starters, let me suggest something like this:

Top level: a pair of gouramis

Bottom Dwellers: A school of cory cats and a pair of weather loaches or a half dozen kuhli loaches.

Mid level: Glass catfish, platys(for color), a school of some kind of small tetra (perhaps glowlights or cardinals) and perhaps some other interesting fish such as 2 or 3 blind cave tetras.

With all the filtration you have, you need not worry about overstocking provided it is within reason and that you do good water changes and vacuumings on a regular basis.

You will be having a lot of fun stocking your tank, I'm sure. Please let us know how it turns out. :D

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