Well, I've decided to get a bit away from the freshwater game and go back to playing for the salties XD, I've got my 55gallon all ready to go, cycled aswell as 2 fish in it currently.
A 2spot damsel and a smaller damsel that has a silvery body and a bit of blue on the head (not sure of the species- if anybody can guess from that description that'd be great if not I'll get a picture up later.)
I want a tank of mainly damsels, I was thinking an even 10-12, I also want to have some shrimp, snails and possibly a couple gobies.
Would this be pushing the bio-load??
A 2spot damsel and a smaller damsel that has a silvery body and a bit of blue on the head (not sure of the species- if anybody can guess from that description that'd be great if not I'll get a picture up later.)
I want a tank of mainly damsels, I was thinking an even 10-12, I also want to have some shrimp, snails and possibly a couple gobies.
Would this be pushing the bio-load??