55 Gallon Stocking?


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Well, I've decided to get a bit away from the freshwater game and go back to playing for the salties XD, I've got my 55gallon all ready to go, cycled aswell as 2 fish in it currently.

A 2spot damsel and a smaller damsel that has a silvery body and a bit of blue on the head (not sure of the species- if anybody can guess from that description that'd be great if not I'll get a picture up later.)

I want a tank of mainly damsels, I was thinking an even 10-12, I also want to have some shrimp, snails and possibly a couple gobies.

Would this be pushing the bio-load??
Nope, it's not ok ---- you can't keep loads of different damsels in a tank without warfare starting - the stronger damsels will pick on the weakest and harass it to death, then they will pick on the next weakest and so on and so on!

10/12 damsels plus a couple of gobys, will be overstocked

Seffie x

I've taken into account the agression issues, however I have lots of caves set-up and from what I've read online damsels generally establish a pecking order if kept together or living within the same region.
Already considered that. I have a few spare saltwater tanks set-up that are going to be for corals only. They're RO water and the weaker of the fish will have their own homes.
Already considered that. I have a few spare saltwater tanks set-up that are going to be for corals only. They're RO water and the weaker of the fish will have their own homes.

but there will always be a weaker fish until you end up with just a pair left and then if you are going to have different species you will not end up with a pair at all :crazy: you got ten tanks to put them all in, phew

SEffie x


ps large tanks can sometimes successfully house more than one pair of damsels but imho, yours is not large enough

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