55 Gallon Stocking And Plant Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Jun 21, 2013
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So I've acquired a 55 gallon that I'm going to heavily plant as a freshwater set up. I'm a bit new to larger tanks so it would be great to get a couple things answered.

1. I have 6 juvenile corys in a 10 gallon right now and am going to put them in the 55 with maybe 2-4 more, and I have decided to get a couple angels as well. Now onto the question; I'm involving my roommates on the community fish suggestions so I was wondering the different types of fish that would go with this set up. A list would be very helpful.

2. What plants would make these fish feel most comfortable or just look good in a 55?

3. I've got aquarium plant soil with a layer of sand on top and a HO double bright T5 248 lighting fixture. I'm going to get two Penguin 150s for the tank, a couple heaters and rock/driftwood decorations. Is this overkill?

Thanks for the help guys.
For Fish Id say larger tetras. not like the cardinals since they will become food for the angels.
More cories. in a 55? about 10+ would be better
Larger tetras likethe hatchets, lemons etc.
For plants:
Some crypts are a good bet.
so are echinodorus and java ferns.
java moss will also be beneficial
i agree with derp on this, but just remeber that some of the larger tetras might be fin nipper so make sure to avoid them for the angels sake, and might i reccomend the anubis plant.
I wish I knew more about tetra to know exactly what the bigger ones are. What about mollies or platys? Platys are beautiful, but how would they go with angels? All those plants sound good though.
some dont reccomend mixing livebaerers with angels because of PH level differences, angels lower, livebearers larger, but if you do mix them make sure its lower ph because livebeaers are more hardy than angels and could go through it.
ncguppy830 said:
some dont reccomend mixing livebaerers with angels because of PH level differences, angels lower, livebearers larger, but if you do mix them make sure its lower ph because livebeaers are more hardy than angels and could go through it.
My tap water stays around 6.4-6.8 so would that be low enough for the angels? I want to get all of this right before adding any fish.
oh that should be fine for angels
So any tetra ideas? I also like killifish and rasboras.
hmm well these arent tetra but cherry barbs are good sized and can do well, heres a pic of a male

they need schools of 6 plus, also harlyquin rasboras can go with angels.
I tried Harlequin Rasboras with my Angels, they ate six of them in less than 24 hours.
hmm really well i guess it depends on the angels because ive seen many people do it.

with only little deaths.
I've got a couple of angels with harlequins..I think if they grow up with them they just accept them. They have a fairly deep body do harlequin which I guess puts them off. But I suppose it can come down to the fish...
So far my roommates and I have liked the scissor-tail rasbora, the cherry barbs, harlequins, and Congo tetra. You guys know of any really beautiful platies?
FCWonderer said:
So far my roommates and I have liked the scissor-tail rasbora, the cherry barbs, harlequins, and Congo tetra. You guys know of any really beautiful platies?
How about diamond tetras? congo tetras are from a different pH. Some bigger tetras are rummy nose, lemons, bleeding heart etc. Just never buy serpae. They are fin nippers.

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