55 Gallon Goldfish Setup


Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2005
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Maryland, soon to be San Antonio TX
I'm gonna be moving across the country from maryland to san antonio so im gonna be getting rid of all my fish when i move...so i'll have a 55 gallon and a 20 gallon tall empty... I was thinking about just getting goldfish, since they are easy to take care of.

What would I need, filtration wise, for a 55 gallon tank setup?

Should I use substrate? what kind? I know they are dirty fish so would no substrate be better?

IMO dont use substrate as this will help keep the tank clean. Filtration needs to be at least 10x the tanks capacity so maybe two filters may be needed.
As for stocking, fancy goldfish do well with a minimum of 10 gallons each and common goldfish need between 15 and 2o gallon minimum each. So, for your tank you could get 5 fancy goldfish or 3 or 4 commons if you want them to be permanently in that tank. If you want to keep more smaller sized fish then you will have to get a bigger tank in the future. Fancy goldfish need to have their water warm so a heater may be needed. :)
i kept my panda in the low to mid 70's.
They have a faster metabolism at higher temps. As long as the place where it is doesn't get too cold, you don't nessecarily need one, as that will speed up their metabolism, therefore creating more waste.
my goldfish setup doesn't have a heater and it's fine at room temparature. I've got three commons and one orlanda in there.

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