New Member
I have a 55 gallon freshwater with two bronze cories, 1 small pleco and 1 small chinese algae eater. I had 1 larger fish (not sure what) but he died from ich, I think. Him and the pleco had spots on them so I treated the tank for ich. The pleco looks fine now, as are all the others, but unfortunately the big one didn't make it.
It has been about 3 days and I have added medication to the tank for three days as the bottle said to do. I know I should probably do a partial water change also but should I add new fish yet, or wait? If wait, how long and should I do anything else? Also I need some ideas on what to put in it. I don't really want fish that get too big or aggressive. I already have the algae eater. I don't seem to have luck with angels or gouramis. What other kinds of fish are easy to care for and don't get too big? I don't want too little tiny ones either since the pleco and algae eater will get bigger. Are rainbow fish hardy? Tetras maybe?