55 gallon fish suggestions


New Member
Feb 12, 2004
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So. California
I have a 55 gallon freshwater with two bronze cories, 1 small pleco and 1 small chinese algae eater. I had 1 larger fish (not sure what) but he died from ich, I think. Him and the pleco had spots on them so I treated the tank for ich. The pleco looks fine now, as are all the others, but unfortunately the big one didn't make it.
:( It has been about 3 days and I have added medication to the tank for three days as the bottle said to do. I know I should probably do a partial water change also but should I add new fish yet, or wait? If wait, how long and should I do anything else? Also I need some ideas on what to put in it. I don't really want fish that get too big or aggressive. I already have the algae eater. I don't seem to have luck with angels or gouramis. What other kinds of fish are easy to care for and don't get too big? I don't want too little tiny ones either since the pleco and algae eater will get bigger. Are rainbow fish hardy? Tetras maybe?
Hey there,
What about ONE female convict cichlid? or giant danios (they don't really get gigantic) I really love my one female cichlid though. She is soooo cute and rather attractive colors (silvery grey with black stripes and orange spots) and she isn't mean by herself! Also extremely hardy. Plus she can hold her own against the CAE. I had a huge CAE (7") and once and only once he tried to tackle her and start sucking and trust me she stood up to him and he never tried to do it again!

IMO i would continue to treat with a half a dose of medicine every day for another week. Ich tends to appear to be gone but then comes back so i would wait at the minimum of a week and a half or two weeks before you add anymore fish! JMO though.
Well I like the convict cichlids. They're pretty, but what else could I put in the tank too? I would like to have more than just one fish besides the bottom feeders. Don't fish usually only grow as big as their tank limits them, or is that just a myth? The only fish I've ever had outgrow his tank was a goldfish. I have seen the giant danios. They're nice too, but I would like to have at least a couple different types of fish. I need something hardy. If the CAE gets too big and aggressive, I can take him to the lfs and trade, but I have had one years ago when I had fish before and he (it) didn't seem to cause any problems. Are there differences with males and females? I know that sounds like a dumb question, but I've really only thought about that with bettas? What about a betta? I know only just one male, but are they pretty hardy, and do they do well in a bigger aquarium with other fish, or should they be kept in little tanks alone?

I see you have Bala sharks and tetras in with yours (Nina7777). I guess the cichlids are OK with tetras then? Do you think Balas are pretty hardy? How big do they get, and do they need salt? I have two cory cats and I hear salt is bad for the catfish.
Hi- This is why i suggested a female convict, by herself.....they aren't as mean or territorial.
She gets along great with my red eye tetra which happens to be a hardy little fish.
Bala's are awesome but they get big! and Scare very easily! You could do 2 balas in a 55gallon (even though i know people are gonna yell for me saying this) but i have 2 in my 30 gallon (which i am upgrading to a 55) and they are soo amazing to watch! Mine are about 7" and 6" and wont get bigger than that. They are extremely HARDY! mine have gone through, fungus, ich, and pop eye and are absolutely FINE! :D They are a little messy though, as is your plec, so unless you have a very strong filter and don't plan on putting too many more fish in there than i don't reccommend the bala's.

If you even want to think about getting any type of barb or tetra, cichlid, or bala, i don't recommend a betta as these fish are all fin nippers!
i think u should get maybe brichardi or a altolamp calvus or compres because the brichardi r hardy and r more agressive and can hold there own and the altolamps can bend therebodies to protect themselfs..my brichardi is now in the tank with the clown knife and the brichardi wich is 1/4 the size of it is fine and it can hold him off
I do not agree. I think that the itch threat is too great you should send your tank too me for decontamination.

:whistle: pcn
Thanks for all the suggestions. I looked into a few of the cichlids that have been mentioned, and from the sites I found, they seem a little aggressive. What about possibly rainbow fish? Are they pretty hardy? I love angel fish, but I never seem to have any luck with them. Is there anything in particular that they might need, or have I just had bad luck? I've always thought they were pretty hardy. If I decided to go with tetras (red-eye, black skirt) and/or giant danios, how many of each should I have? Also, I already have two bronze cories, but I want an albino. Would just one albino be good, or should I have two of each kind? I know.. lots of questions, but I want more fishies! :fish: :fish: :fish:

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