55 Gal


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, UK
i am currently preparing a 55us gal tank.
i can't decide between cichlids or a community so i have come for some help.

if i get cichlids i want a jack dempsey and wanted to know could i put anything else with him in a tank that size or would it have to be a tank for him on his own??

all help appreciated

I had a New world cichlid tank once, it was an 80 gal (US) and I had a good 10 or 12 cichlids (including jack dempseys. I went by a rule of two inches of the adult size of each cichlid per gallon as opposed to the inch per gallon rule to play it safe and I think it worked like a charm. As far as tank mates, i had green terrors, firemouths, convicts, and also a texas cichlid, but Id advise against the texas as it grew bigger than the others and was a bully to all the other fish BUT the dempseys... so while it didnt bother the dempseys it could have. Hope this helps.
i did read that and thats why i thought i could only have the one on his own, didn't think you could get a breeding paid in a 55. thought it was too small. thanks for the help
55g for a breeding pair of JDs SHOULD be ok... why not try a regular JD and an electric blue JD to mix it up a bit..

or you could get 1 JD and a parrot cichlid, severum, festivum, rainbow cichlid, convict, and there are a lot more cichlids you could choose from, those are just normally quite common ones.

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