55 gal tank


Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2004
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Today I had someone ask me if I wanted to buy a 55 gal tank <tank only> for 20 bucks!!!!! Said I ll be right there .... now I own a 55 gal free he had a 30 also for 15 bux I sold the 30 gal for 35 bux thus paid for my 55 gallon :rolleyes: what a deal :rofl:
You stinker! Now................. whatcha gonna put in it?
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p
lucky dog :p

I am laughing all the way to the bank now :rofl: today Saturday The same guy offred me a 55 gal on a home built all cherry wood stand 150 bux filters lights hoods 2 oscars and gravel yaddah yaddah yaddh hmmmmmm I am getting lucky I am going to get it today :rofl:
Im sorry to steal your "thunder" away but my 3 year old 55gl. tank that im putting back up again was free with a 1 foot scat and bala shark with many others! But those died from a terrible infestastion of posion from a garden hose :sad: :-( :-( but now Im putting it back up i need ideas for a small fish breeding tank! guppies tetras ect.

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