55 and 30 Gallon Filtration..


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
In my 55 gallon tank i have two filter. An AquaClear 300 and An Emperor 400. In My 30 Gallon Tank i have a Penguin Biowheel 330. The 30 gallon tank is never clear and because of that it is always gettin diseased. If i take the AC 300 out of the 55 and put it in the 30 will the Emperor 400 keep the 55 clear by itself. I would add the Biowheel 330 but the fish in the 30 are infected with fungus and i dont want to spread the disease.

I dont think that the biowheel 330 is working right anyway. When the biowheels are in the water overflows over the catrige (even if it is brand new) and it cant keep the water clear even with 8 gallon water changes about every other day...
Personally, I think there's probably something wrong with your Penguin 330. I ran a 170 in a 46 gallon tank, and it usually kept the water pretty close to crystal clear (took a day or so to clear up after moving plants, etc.). The only time I had 'overflow' problems is when I crammed extra media into it, and then, the overflow happened on the intake side of the filter.

I've heard many people say they run only an Emperor 400 on a 55 gallon tank, and it does fine. Never tried it myself, though.
i think that there is something wrong with it to. I emailed Marineland Labs and they said that because its new its probably just pumping more than 330 GPH and the problem should work itself out in a few weeks. Well it didnt..

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