50 Gallong Tank And Hagen Aqua Clear 70


Fish Fanatic
Feb 18, 2007
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i have a 50g tank with an ocsar a few car fish and a parrot..... there all little.. and i know it seems clutterd.. but im on a budget right now...i have the hagen aqua clear 50 filter (hang off) and its great i love them.... but want to go to a 70... Will this be a good filter for it..... it says tanks from 50-70... and then the 50 says 30-50g.... does any one use a aqua clear 70 (hang off)...
I don't know much about the aquaclear filters, but it's always good to overfilter.
Go for the biggest model you can afford ( within reason though ) I think the Aqua Clear 70 sounds good enough!

ya the tank is really 46 g i am just raising the fish in there till there ready for the 55 corner tank in my den...
I have a 72 gallon with an oscar & a plec. I'm running a pair of AC 70's along with an Eheim 2213. You need at least double the normal filtration with messy fish like oscars. I don't have any idea what a car fish is, but a 55 will be too small for an oscar, due to the one dimension being 13". Add in the parrot, another cichlid, and whatever else, and you have a really overstocked tank.

Look into a 75 at least, a 90 would be better.
I have a 72 gallon with an oscar & a plec. I'm running a pair of AC 70's along with an Eheim 2213. You need at least double the normal filtration with messy fish like oscars. I don't have any idea what a car fish is, but a 55 will be too small for an oscar, due to the one dimension being 13". Add in the parrot, another cichlid, and whatever else, and you have a really overstocked tank.

Look into a 75 at least, a 90 would be better.
ya srry i ment cat fish.. and its a little bit biger its between 46-50.. im not going to get an oscar..... i want a parrot a angel and some cat fish...... and my silver dollor might go in there... and i want to use the ac 70..... i think that would be enough filter.... for the tank.

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