50 Gallon Stocking Plan?

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Oct 3, 2005
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Can someone help me with a stocking plan for a 50 gallon (standard) Community tank.
I like active fish so tetras are not really for me (atleast not the slow moving ones)
My PH is 7.0 and the water is medium soft.
I am pretty mcuh a beginner but i have read 15 books on fish keeping so i think i can manage some of the slightly more difficult species. What i mean is that i want a variety of species not just those that would be labeled first fish. Also i hate live bearers. :)
You might consider some chiclids or other lake mbuna species fish if you're really into active fish. Beware though, they are active because they are aggressive so do a LOT of reading in the chiclid forum before you decide on any one type.

Also, you might like something like tiger barbs or rainbows if you want a slightly easier tank to deal with aggression wise.

My best suggestion is to drop by your LFS and see what you like. Then, go do exhaustive research on your options and go from there.

Btw, how do you plan to cycle the 50gal? fishless or fished?
Im going to do a fishless cycle
Also i might have to get a 20 gallon because of budget

As for a stocking a 20 gallon i thought about

6 cherry barbs

6 Pear dainos

4 bronze corys and or otos

1 male dwarf gourmai

how does this sound?
Very similar to what I want my own 20gal to be when done. I'm going with the Ottos after the tank is mature to help keep the algae at bay, and probably some Neon tetras instead of Danios because I like a challenge

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