50 bettas


Jun 2, 2004
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B.C. Canada
i now work at a pet store..

and someone came in and bought 50 bettas..

25 red and 25 blue..

i was gonna ask what they were gonna do with them after..

i thought hopefully theyll give them away as gifts.. since they all had bowls..

but who knows :S

just thought it was interesting so i posted it
If it is for a wedding...they are probably using them as centerpieces. (That is the new trend...at leat it was when I was getting married...no I didn't use bettas.) Then yes, they usually give them as presents to the guests.
I went to a wedding that had betta centerpieces. One chair at each table had a sticker under it and that person got to take home the betta. I do remember there was a few unclaimed at the end of the night though.
My Girlfriend went to a sweetsixteen and they had bettas for center pieces. She says people got to take them home :crazy:. My Gf still has hers and her sis, but her cousin and her other family members bettas didn't do so well, if you know what i mean. :crazy: :blink: :grr:

I personly hate the idea. :devil:
At my bar mitzvah i had bettas in 1 gals on every table and i gave most away to my friends.
I've seen them used with the peace lillies as centerpieces at weddings before. That was before I knew how bad it was for the bettas or I would have said something!
yea i thought it was interesting..

hes like..

i need 50 bettas and i have to be at the wedding in 15 mins..

so me.. in training..

never really bagged fish before..

had to bust my behind along with 2 other ppl bagging bettas as fast as we could..

we got it done in like 5-10 mins.
wow, 50 bettas... yeah bettas as center pieces are nice... i just wish i was at the wedding :kana:
I hope they get cared for properly! That many bettas being given away to uncaring parents would be disasterous.
Synastic said:
dwarf_dude said:
At my bar mitzvah i had bettas in 1 gals on every table and i gave most away to my friends.
:crazy: Hope you told your friends how to care for them.
yeh i gave most of em to Silva_Fishy and his brothers and to my sisters friends who i knew took after their fish.

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