5 weeks old male guppy


Feb 22, 2004
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Here's the first fry my guppies ever had!


  • jongventje.JPG
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thanx :)
he has 2 brothers and 4 sisters, but they aren't that beautiful yet.

just a question though, one of his sisters is incredibly fat (and has a dark gravid spot), it's not possible that she's pregnant, is it???
are you serious??? she's 5 weeks old!!
in case it is possible, will she survive birth? and will the fry??
wow 5 weeks and he already has color. i am so jealous. my fry are almost 2 months now and all i they is black spots on thier tails.

that is still a very nice look fry :cool:
Your fish'll look lovely when it's fully developed. :D

I'm glad to see that you've got such a fine specimen. :nod:
thanx a lot everyone for the compliments to my guppy...
I wish I had the money to buy more tanks, I would love to have a go at selective breeding...
I should separate males and females, but at the moment, it's just not possible :(

Well, anyhow, I hope this one turns out to be a nice one indeed, I'll post a picture of him when he's older
:D Great guppy! I just released my 4 month old male guppy into my main tank and he's the first fry that I ever raised and survived. He has beautiful color and I can't wait until he grows into an adult. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your male guppy when he's older! :thumbs:
congratulations on the first release :)
for me they are the first to, but they are only 5 weeks old, luckily, the other fish don't try to eat them or anything.
the male in the picture is even seducing the adult females :D
he hit puberty I guess
;) That's why I had to remove my young male guppy from the frb tank and release him into the main tank. He was trying to breed with the female guppies that are still too young. He's doing great with the adult fish! Now I just have to get some oictures posted of him! :D

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