5 Silver Dollars?


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi guys, I have a question about Silver Dollars. I have a 90gal 48"x18"x24" which I am going to put a few New World Cichlids in. Is this tank going to be ok for a school of 4/5 SD's? Thx.
Thats a fine size, its good to hear someone not asking if they can be kept in 20gals lol! It may be a problem if you have any of the very large aggressive new worlds in there. Any ideas of what you want? It may be an idea to get 6 dollars.
Thx for the reply. Yeah I am going to be keeping fish at around 6-8", nothing bigger. There will probably be either a Jack Dempsey or a Green Terror, maybe both but I am going to buy everything at a very young age so they grow up together which should increase the chance of harmony. Well in theory at least. Does that sound ok, the other fish will most likely be 1xconvict and 1xBlue Acara and 1 Firemouth.

1xBlue Acara (not decided yet)
1xGreeb Terror
1xJack Dempsey
6xSilver Dollars
3xHoplo Cats

If that sounds overstocked, remember I am buying everything at about 1.5-2" and letting them grow out and by the time they are fully grown I am hoping to have upsized to a 6x2x2'. Thx.
Dont bother with both a Green terror and a Jack Dempsey in that size tank, stick with the JD and firemouth (most peaceful) and no other cichlids. The mix would work out fine. Any other suggestions to replace the 'lost' fish?
Silver dollars are shy fish and should ideally not be mixed with very active/boisterous or agressive fish;


They are primarily herbivorous fish, so a diet that concentrates on fresh veg is good, but it is also good to feed them a bit of bloodwroms or daphinia too.

I would have to disagree and say that silver dollars would be fine with new worlds and make great dither fish.
I keep SDs with my cichlids... they do take some damage.. but nothing serious..

They're a good dither fish, but I'm sure they don't enjoy being dithers.

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